Roller derby fundraising for Seattle Derby Brats!!!

Why I Love Roller Derby

Hello!  My name is Arlo McFarland.  My derby name is Run, my team is the Stunflowers.  My jersey number is 123.  When they annouce my name before bouts they say "1-2-3 Run!".  

Roller Derby is a fun and empowering sport. When I am on the track, I feel strong and confident. I love skating with other skaters who have become my teammates, friends, and competitors. Roller Derby has changed the way I feel about myself and has taught me so many things about sportsmanship, competition and how to win and lose with a positive attitude. The friends I have made through derby are unique personalities just like me.

The donation you make today helps with things like track time for practices and bouts, as well as fun events we get to go to like the Halloween party and all night skate. It also pays for team jersys and on site medics for our bouts.

Exciting news is that Seattle Derby Brats just moved into our new location back in January!  It's an old commercial warehouse space in north Seattle that needs a lot of fixing up.  Like no indoor plumbing as of now:)

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today by clicking on the link below.  If my page doesn't show up, you can find it by clicking the "search for a participant" button. I really appreciate any amount of money you can donate!

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My Supporters

  • Geraldine Anderson Best of luck and positive thoughts for Arlo McFarland!!! March 2023 $26.25
  • Geraldine Anderson Best of luck and positive thoughts for Arlo McFarland!!! March 2023 $26.25