Poundcake 2023 Skate-A-Thon fundraising page

Why I Love Roller Derby

Roller Derby is a fun and empowering sport. When I am on the track, I feel strong and confident. I love skating with other skaters who have become my teammates, friends and competitors. Roller Derby has changed the way I feel about myself and has taught me so many things about sportsmanship, competition and how to win, and lose with grace. I know that the friends I have made through derby will be friends for life.

Roller derby is beloved by me and my whole team. My fellow skaters and I learn how to be strong, bold, courageous and daring along with being compassionate , patient and humble. This is my second year playing for SDB and It couldn’t imagine life without derby. The effect that it has had on my physical and mental health has been tremendous. I have gone from being the new skater and looking up to my coaches as role models to being that role model. Senior skaters and coaches continue to support and push me as I grow. Coaching roller derby allows me to spread that confidence. Watching new skaters learn a new skill or seeing a shy kid find themself through derby and become part of the SDB family is truly one of the greatest experiences I could imagine. Seattle derby brats has helped me grow into the people I look up too. My team is my support and any donation would be so deeply appreciated by everyone so we can keep the derby love going.??

The donation you make today helps with things like track time for practices and bouts, fun events we get to go to like the Halloween party and all night skate. It also pays for team jersys and on site medics for our bouts.

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today. I really appreciate your donation!

Thank You!


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My Supporters

  • Anonymous Go, Poundcake, Go!!! April 2023
  • Amy & Justin Craven March 2023 $52.50
  • Shannon Krutz Way to go Poundcake! March 2023 $50.00
  • Kelly Burrows March 2023 $50.00
  • Anonymous March 2023
  • Delia Nickolaus Go, Poundcake!!! March 2023 $500.00
  • Anonymous March 2023 $250.00
  • Amy & Justin Craven March 2023 $52.50
  • Shannon Krutz Way to go Poundcake! March 2023 $50.00
  • Kelly Burrows March 2023 $50.00