My Personal Fundraising Page

We Need Your Help

I have been skating with Seattle Derby Brats for about 9 years now and I can wholeheartedly say that this league has changed my life for the better.

Right before Covid, SDB lost it's home: The Rat's Nest. We have been in and out of community centers and parking lots since then and although the community has managed to stay together and strong during that time, we needed our own space to call home and we found that in our new place.

Unfortunately, the Warehouse as we're currently calling it is just that, a warehouse, and we need help turning it into the space we want it to be. Money for the skateathon will go towards renovating our space with real bathrooms, locker rooms, track space, stands, and all the other stuff that we need. It will also go towards fun events for the skaters that keep our community strong like All Night Skate and our Halloween party as well as going towards team jerseys and on site medics.

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today. I really appreciate your donation!

Thank You!


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My Supporters

  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate April 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate March 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate February 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate January 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate December 2023 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg April 2023 $250.00
  • Nancy Allen March 2023 $105.00
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate April 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate March 2024 $52.50
  • Krista Rietberg Love to watch you skate February 2024 $52.50