This summer, Auggie of @TinyPizzaKitchen and Christy of @RealCleverFood have teamed up with a talented group of pizza makers—@BadLarrys.NYC, @JimmyHank_Pizza, @FollowYourTummy, @the_Doughfather, @Stagliopizza, @carpediempizzza, @og_papafern, @Pizzeriacoco_dmv, @asliceofnewjersey, and others—to throw a Summer Slice-a-Thon party to #raisesomedough for hunger relief initiatives. The concept is simple; make a donation in the size of your choice and get a pizza from yours truly. 100% of your donation will be used to purchase pizza for shelters and soup kitchens through Slice Out Hunger's Pie it Forward program. Slice Out Hunger is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does #pizza4good across the US. You can learn more about their work or see how you can host a Summer Slice-a-Thon party of your own by clicking the button below!