Please Select An Option

  • Ticket

    Includes one ticket to the event. Guests will enjoy a buffet dinner with our honorees and graduate teams at the beautiful RXR Plaza while browsing our exclusive silent auction items, and participating in our dynamic live auction, with added surprises along the way!

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  • Champion Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 20 tickets
    • Opportunity to name a Canine Companions puppy
    • Presenting sponsor
    • Custom mission experience
    • Logo and link on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes full page ad in program)
    • Verbal recognition at event
    • Social media recognition
    • Logo on event invitations and emails
    • Recognition in annual report
    • Recognition in event press releases

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  • Best in Show Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 10 tickets
    • Opportunity to name a Canine Companions puppy
    • Custom mission experience
    • Logo and link on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes full page ad in program)
    • Verbal recognition at event
    • Social media recognition
    • Logo on event invitations and emails
    • Recognition in annual report
    • Recognition in event press releases

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  • Best Friend

    Benefits include:
    • 10 tickets
    • Logo and link on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes full page ad in program)
    • Verbal recognition at event
    • Social media acknowledgement
    • Logo on event invitations and emails
    • Recognition in annual report
    • Recognition in press release

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  • Leader of the Pack Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 8 tickets
    • Logo and link on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes half page ad in program)
    • Verbal recognition at event
    • Social media acknowledgement
    • Logo on event invitations and emails
    • Recognition in annual report

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  • Top Dog Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 6 tickets
    • Logo on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes quarter page ad in program)
    • Social media acknowledgement

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  • Loyal Companion Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 4 tickets
    • Name on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes name in program)

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  • Pick of the Litter Sponsor

    Benefits include:
    • 2 tickets
    • Name on event website
    • Recognition on event materials (Includes name in program)

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  • Virtual Auction Participant

    Not able to join us in person, but want to participant in the auction fun. Register here!

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Order Summary

  • Your order summary will be displayed here.

  • 1 x Package Name


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