Welcome to my Personal Fundraising page

Our story, Wren Ivy Bole

Hi, my name is Stephanie Bole and my husband's name is Dominic. February '23 I became pregnant with our daughter Wren after battling with unexplained infertility for over a year. She was our miracle baby. We went for a routine scan at 12 weeks to measure the nuchal translucency and suddenly the room became quiet, and we were referred to Maternal Fetal Medicine as my pregnancy quickly became high risk. Our daughter's NT measurement was 8.6mm, a normal NT measurement is typically anything below 3.0mm. I'll never forget being asked "Can you come with us? We need to discuss what we found." I felt like my world shattered, and anxiety filled my entire body. Our doctor recommended having a Chorionic Villus Sampling procedure so we could have a more in depth look with genetic testing. After I had this test done, we had to wait for the results which felt like weeks but it took only 3 days. Our high risk doctor called me and informed me that we were having a little girl and she tested positive for Turner Syndrome. For those of you who do not know what Turner Syndrome is, it is a condition that affects only females, it results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. There are two types of Turner Syndrome, mosaic and classic. Only 1-3% of the babies will survive and equate to roughly 1 in every 2,000 surviving baby girls. There are less than 200,000 cases in the world as it is rare. Most babies who are diagnosed with Turner Syndrome either are miscarried within the first trimester or stillborn. To be a girl living with Turners is a miracle itself. Unfortunately babies with Turners are prone to developing cystic hygroma and hydrops which our little girl developed both by her 14 week ultrasound. My husband and I decided to continue on with my pregnancy and be advocates for our daughter. I had a scan each week to determine whether or not the hydrops had worsened and each week nothing had progressed worse up until my 21 week ultrasound where there was little to no fluid left and the hydrops had taken over more of our little girls body. I also developed Mirror Syndrome, it occurs in pregnancies when the fetus has an abnormal excess of fluid and the woman has preeclampsia, a form of hypertension or high blood pressure. It is a rare condition. I was immediately rushed over for a second opinion with another high risk doctor from another hospital where they decided I needed to be admitted at the hospital for monitoring. Unfortunately we lost our daughter stillborn at just 21 weeks and 3 days on July 19th, 2023. We cherished every single day we had with Wren. We talk about her, we say her name, and we share our story in hopes that we can help someone else out there not feel alone.  This cause is very special and close to us, we would greatly appreciate it if you could donate.

For our daughter, who we dearly miss and love

Wren Ivy Bole





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