Participating Steps2Cure NF is a fantastic way to support NF Northeast and make a positive impact. However, raising funds to meet your goals can sometimes feel like a challenge. To help you get started, here are five creative and effective fundraising ideas to inspire your efforts. These approaches can engage friends, family, and your broader community, making it easier to gather support for your walk.
1. Host a Themed Bake Sale and Lemonade Stand
Bake some delicious treats and sell them at a local event or community center. Adding a theme that ties into the walk (e.g., heart-shaped cookies for a NF Northeast - the organization with a heart) can attract more attention.
2. Create "squares" for sporting events
Have some friendly competition with your colleagues, friends or neighbors by setting up squares for big sporting events like the Superbowl, March Madness Final Four or your favorite team's home opener.
3. Host a Movie or Game Night
Organize a cozy movie night or board game evening with a small entry fee. Share information about Steps2Cure NF, why you're walking, and encourage attendees to donate extra if they can. Some movie theaters will even allow you to rent out the theater for a modest fee.
4. Host a car wash
Have a sponge and some soap and want to take advantage of spring-time temps? Help your community wash the winter grime off their cars by hosting a car wash. Gather your team for a little friendly competition —who can wash the most cars?