Storybook Farm   ○   Prince Charming

Reid Hanson

September 25, 2023 12:00am - September 30, 2023 12:00am

Prince Charming

In the spring of 2018, I examined a horse named Prince Charming for Storybook Farm that was being generously donated by a family in Chicago. He's was a charmer (hence the name) for sure and one of the most affable, personal horses that I have met- in my long career. I approved him with "charming"delight! Fast forward four years. Prince has helped countless kids do things they never possible and experience that unmistakable connection that changes everything. Though I played only a small part in this story, I'm continually humbled by the happy endings that Prince authors for his little friends.

My Supporters

  • Thompson Carriers October 2022 $500.00
  • Anonymous October 2022
  • Ed Murray DVM Gotta remember all our special equestrian programs!!! Ed & Sandra Jean October 2022 $100.00
  • Sandra Clark-Lewis RUN RUN RUN!! October 2022 $100.00
  • Michael Heinen October 2022 $100.00
  • Thompson Carriers October 2022 $500.00
  • Nickie and Debra Baird Good luck Reid! Stay strong to the finish! October 2022 $500.00
  • Reid Hanson October 2022 $450.00
  • Ed Murray DVM Gotta remember all our special equestrian programs!!! Ed & Sandra Jean October 2022 $100.00
  • Sandra Clark-Lewis RUN RUN RUN!! October 2022 $100.00











