Storybook Farm   ○   Colonel Fitzwilliam

Ida Somero

September 25, 2023 12:00am - September 30, 2023 12:00am

Colonel Fitzwilliam

Y’all know that I am a dog person and Colonel Fitzwilliam is my alter ego, so outgoing and eager to meet everyone, which is great for the kids! I love each of the programs that Storybook Farm provides as the care is personalized for each child. Storybook Tails is one that helps children learn to read and discover science and nature with canines by their sides. The animals at Storybook (horses, ponies, dogs, and even cats) provide hope to children that have experienced adversity or are struggling with issues that include abuse, grief, or illnesses and disabilities. Storybook Farm has never charged for the programs and services it offers – and they never will. Please give generously today to help change a child’s life.

My Supporters

  • Mary Wright October 2022 $100.00
  • Timothy Noble October 2022
  • Calvin Sweeney October 2022 $100.00
  • Lily Raines Good luck to all in reaching their goals ! October 2022 $100.00
  • Christine Burkhardt October 2022 $100.00
  • Ida Somero October 2022 $1,000.00
  • Sonya Green October 2022 $250.00
  • Mary Wright October 2022 $100.00
  • Calvin Sweeney October 2022 $100.00
  • Lily Raines Good luck to all in reaching their goals ! October 2022 $100.00











