Alumni Page

Day of Generosity

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen" 2 Peter 3:18

A Message for Alumni from Mr. Fischer

As a graduate of Veritas Academy, your gift carries special meaning. You remember the earlier days of small beginnings but now have the privilege of helping our school stretch and grow into our potential to serve so many more students and families!

I have a challenge for you. It is a challenge based on a blessing. Recently, we received the largest single alumni donation we have ever received—$20,000. As you can imagine, I was blown away! God is so good. As we thanked the donors, we discussed an idea that has turned into this email. Here is the challenge: They are challenging all of you to match their $20,000 collectively by November 15, making it $40,000 overall.  

Often, I have been reticent to ask you to consider giving. Many of you are recently out of college and may have limited means, but every gift helps. This gift, however, opened my eyes. It stretches me! I am reminded of God’s grace and His calling on our lives. If you can give, please help match this challenge. Here’s how you can give:

  • You can give by clicking on the Donate Now button.

  • You can drop off a check. Please add “Day of Generosity: Alumni Challenge in the Memo line.”

  • You can donate stocks, mutual funds, or other assets through our National Christian Fund account. Please contact our Development Director, Sarah Yacoviello, at (717-817-6586) or   

The past few years have been a wild ride at Veritas. We purchased our facility in 2021, and God filled it with students. We are growing! Our enrollment is closing in on 400 students from Preschool through 12th grade. God has brought us students from all over the world. Most of our grammar school classes have two classes of students. We are close to implementing our plan to expand our building to maximize the growth He is sending. We need your help. 

Our community is stretching ourselves with the goal of raising $300,000. Please consider giving to help meet this goal and to help us meet the $20,000 alumni challenge (and the overall $40,000 alumni goal).

Thank you for your generous gift today.





of your goal reached









Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Annie Greiner November 2023 $200.00
  • Aaron Martin November 2023 $200.00
  • Anonymous November 2023
  • Anonymous November 2023 $25.00
  • Ariella Hoover November 2023
  • Anonymous Dear fellow alumni, we challenge you to match this donation so that the overall amount raised by alumni in this fundraiser is $40,000. Let's give back to bless future generations! November 2023 $20,000.00
  • Anonymous November 2023 $1,000.00
  • Annie Greiner November 2023 $200.00
  • Aaron Martin November 2023 $200.00
  • Dale Sailer November 2023 $100.00

Veritas Academy's Total Progress





of your goal reached







