<p>About 2020 Virtual Strides for CJD</p>
Strides for CJD is an annual walk/run to raise awareness of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a rare neurodegenerative disease that has no treatment or cure. Through this event, anyone -- anywhere -- can pay tribute to their loved ones and raise funds for the CJD Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, to provide family support, medical education and research programs.
This year, Strides for CJD will be a VIRTUAL event nationwide. While we're not able to gather in person, we will unite in spirit to raise much needed awareness and funds for CJD and other prion diseases.
Virtual Opening Ceremony
We kicked off Strides for CJD 2020 with a Virtual Opening Ceremony to recognize top fundraising teams, learn how Strides proceeds are put to work, share tributes to loved ones, and get inspired!
Raise Awareness By Posting Your Strides Photos!
Share your photos wearing your Strides 4 CJD Tshirt and participating in the walk/run on social media with hashtags:
#Strides4CJD #CurePrionDisease #CJDFoundation
We are also creating a library of photos. Use the button below to upload your photos!
Register for Your Location and Participate Virtually
- 1 Bakersfield, CA $75,784.41 raised
- 2 Individual or Small Group Run/Walk $72,287.96 raised
- 3 Morris Plains, NJ $69,578.09 raised
- 4 Chicago Area, IL $56,455.90 raised
- 5 Pittsburgh, PA $38,368.00 raised
- 6 Akron, OH $30,705.50 raised
- 7 Fairfax, VA $26,941.00 raised
- 8 Arlington, TX $24,569.26 raised
- 9 Lake Elmo, MN $19,960.00 raised
- 10 Boston, MA $9,986.52 raised
- 11 Seattle, WA $8,912.00 raised
- 12 Newark, DE $7,031.00 raised
- 13 Wausau, WI $6,576.00 raised
- 14 St. Louis, MO $5,375.00 raised
- 15 Charleston, WV $3,588.60 raised
- 16 Denver, CO $3,545.00 raised
- 17 Auburn, CA $3,414.00 raised
- 18 Saratoga, NY $3,081.00 raised
- 19 Joppa, MD $1,425.00 raised
About The CJD Foundation
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is a rare, rapidly progessive neurodegenerative disease, one of several prion diseases caused by prion proteins that misfold in the brain. There is no treatment or cure and the disease is invariably fatal.
The mission of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation is to support families affected by prion disease, raise awareness, and support medical education and research.
We carry out this mission through:
- Family support including a 7-day HelpLine, referrals, support groups, and teleconference speaker series
- Education and information for families, caregivers, medical professionals, and funeral professionals
- Advocacy with political representatives and public policy makers
- Annual Family Conference that brings together affected families and prion disease experts
- Family Workshops held around the country
- Collaboration with scientists, clinicians, medical centers, health authorities, professional organizations, and international patient associations
- Communication of current research and Foundation activities via newsletter, social media, emails, and family teleconferences
- Research grant program, with international awardees selected by our Scientific Advisory Committee