In February of 2019, I took my mom, Barbara Couillard, to the ER because something was wrong and we didn't know what but we just wanted answers so we could find a way to fix whatever was wrong. Little did we know that she would never be the same again. We found out mom had CJD. It was the first time I had ever heard of this disease and I wish I didn't have to know what it was. It's been a bit over a year now since mom passed away and I am continuing to try and find ways to honor my mom in the ways I know she would want. July 15th would have been her 50th Birthday and as a present to her I created this page to honor her. Please consider donating in order to honor her memory and keep her spirit alive with us today. The CJD foundation supports families who have a loved one who has CJD. They help with autopsy's, support groups and support research on this rare one in a million disease.