Super Strength for Super Kids is BACK!

Super Strength for Super Kids is BACK! This exciting fundraising event is taking place in Brandon, Manitoba in support of The Dream Factory - a Manitoba-based charity that brings dreams to life for kids in our community fighting life-threatening illnesses.

The Dream Factory grants dreams for kids across Manitoba including backyard makeovers, celebrity meet and greets, and when it's safe to do so, travel around the world. Many of the kids they support are from Brandon and the Westman area.

On September 15th, 2024 we are holding a strongman competition at Anytime Fitness Brandon (3000 Victoria Ave) to showcase our community's super strength in an effort to make a dream come true for Chloe, a child right here in Rapid City who knows the true meaning of strength.

The event will include a number of strongman events, and be open to participants of all skill levels and from ANY fitness facility. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to ensure that we can continue to support kids in our community facing life-threatening illnesses. We’re offering prizes to the top 3 fundraisers - bring your A-game and connect with folks in your circle to help bring dreams to life.

We're dreaming of a safe and "super" day complete with guest appearances from our favourite superheroes, kid-friendly activities, and a community working together to bring a dream to life.

Participants of all skill level (and from any fitness facility!) are welcome - events can be adapted based on comfort level, accessibility, etc.  While we're excited to show off our strength, this event is more about supporting kids in need and having some fun a long the way!


Date: Sunday, September 15th, 2024
Location: Anytime Fitness - 3000 Victoria Ave, Brandon MB
Warm Up / Registration: 11:00 AM
Super Strength Events: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

note: This is an outdoor event - please dress accordingly!

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This Year, Super Strength for Super Kids is Supporting Dream Kid Chloe!

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Meet Chloe

Dream Kid Chloe gets excited about everything - that's part of her magic!

"When we think of Chloe, we think of her as this little shining star," Chloe's mom, Janessa shared. "She just lights up every room she walks into. Even when she's not feeling well, she's so bright, happy, and enthusiastic."

Chloe’s family knew right away that something wasn’t right with her health. She wasn’t gaining weight and was having trouble holding down food - she had intolerances to many different foods.

At 10 months old Chloe was suspected of having Neurofibromatosis 1, she has had various trips back and forth to Winnipeg for regularly scheduled hospital appointments and after having a seizure, she had an MRI. An optic pathway glioma was found - which is a tumour located on the optic nerve behind the eye. Her vision had started to deteriorate and a after a trip to the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion, Chloe started MEK Inhibitors for treatment in December 2023, and still sees her doctors regularly including sedated MRI’s.  

Through it all, if you see her, Chloe is the happiest little girl and just tries so hard at everything she does!

Chloe's not sure yet what her dream should be, but she loves Disney movies and music - so a Dream Trip to Disney world is a real option! 

Once Chloe has decided, we'll be here to make sure that her dream comes true - but we can't do it without your help!

Read the rest of Chloe's story here!

Past Super Strength Events!