My Personal Fundraising Page

"My life came crashing down on June 15th, 2015. I was 38 weeks along and I had just started to have contractions. My husband and older daughter Kailyn started to time the contractions. We were all so excited for our baby girl to arrive. When the contractions got closer, we called the doctor and headed into the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital they hooked me up to the machine and had trouble finding a heartbeat. The nurse looked worried, but I thought to myself “the machine must be broken”. They ordered an ultrasound and the nurse just shook her head. It was at that moment a piece of me was lost forever. 


On June 16th, 2015 at 3:46 AM Kylie Ann Greiss was born still. She was 21 1/2 inches long and 7.1 lbs. She was such a beautiful girl with her daddy’s cheeks and my dark full head of hair. Leaving the hospital empty handed was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Driving home with Kylie’s car seat empty and coming home to Kylie’s empty crib shattered me. I didn’t know if I could ever overcome this. Days that should have been the happiest for my family ending up being the worst planning my beautiful baby girls funeral. Our little girl was loved by so many and she touched the hearts of so many of our family and friends.


 It wasn’t until June 17th, 2017 when we had our rainbow baby Kourtney in our arms that I finally felt a little part of me come back. During our pregnancy with Kourtney we were finally told what happened with Kylie. She was on the umbilical cord for a long period of time which caused a blood clot. We miss and love Kylie every day. We try very hard to keep her memory alive and speak her name often. I would give anything to have her here with us. A piece of my heart will always be in heaven with my baby girl. We experience visits from butterflies and cardinals that feel like it’s her saying hi and telling us everything will be ok."





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My Supporters

  • Dylan Vermeesch Uncle D and Aunt Mandy love you! Last month $53.00
  • Adrienne Sharp Dedicated to the Greiss Family. Christy and Kenny are the strongest people I know! I continue to pray for them every night. Kylie was and continues to be loved beyond measure! We love you guys! July 2024 $53.00
  • Theresa Maneri July 2024 $25.00
  • Dylan Vermeesch Uncle D and Aunt Mandy love you! Last month $53.00
  • Adrienne Sharp Dedicated to the Greiss Family. Christy and Kenny are the strongest people I know! I continue to pray for them every night. Kylie was and continues to be loved beyond measure! We love you guys! July 2024 $53.00
  • Theresa Maneri July 2024 $25.00

My Teammates