Getting Started

You don’t need to be a professional fundraiser to make an impact. You just need to put your compassion into action and it’s easier than you think. 

The first step is to create your personal fundraising page



Get the word out!

The most effective way to raise money through Team CHOICES is to ask as many people as you can in a very personal way, through various methods. Here are some easy ways so share your message.

Send a Fundraising Email

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Write/send an email to your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues.

Write a fundraising email

Share on Social Media

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This is a great way to reach a lot of people.

Create a Facebook post

Send Text Messages

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Text your family and friends and ask them to give.

Draft a text message.

Host a Fundraising Event

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Host an event to raise funds or ask for special occasion donations.

Here are some ideas.

Suggested Communication Calendar

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Check out our suggestion for a communication timeline.



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Sample Communication

Sample Email

Sample Facebook Post

Sample Text

Guide to Success

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Did You Know 

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