Why I run for Team Fired Up

I was first introduced to Dragon Master through my cousin and a friend in spring 2023, learning about their charity and how they are working toward reducing childhood cancer deaths by 50% by the year 2030, I knew this was a charity I wanted to support. As a former pediatric oncology/hematology nurse, their mission touched close to home and I quickly signed up to run and fundraise for springtime surprise!


Fast forward a few months, I had only planned on running JUST the full marathon for Disney’s Marathon weekend 2024, in fact purposefully did not sign up for DOPEY because I wanted to run my first full on “fresh legs”…  but when my cousin reached out with the opportunity to run with Dragon Master again I jumped at the challenge!


So, here I am! Once again, I get to combine two things I am passionate about: Running and supporting childhood cancer research! In January I will be taking on DOPEY: 4 races, over 4 days, through all 4 Disney Parks for a total of 48.6 miles!


I would love for you to join me in supporting this incredible charity. Every donation, no matter how big or small, gets us that much closer to a cure!

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My Supporters

  • Anonymous January 2024 $150.00
  • Anonymous From Betty Smith January 2024
  • Lorrie Smith Go Carlie! December 2023 $25.00
  • Ashley Mossman You go girl! December 2023 $25.00
  • Belky Laureano You go Girl! Can't wait to see those medals! December 2023 $25.00
  • Anonymous January 2024 $150.00
  • Lorrie Smith Go Carlie! December 2023 $25.00
  • Ashley Mossman You go girl! December 2023 $25.00
  • Belky Laureano You go Girl! Can't wait to see those medals! December 2023 $25.00
  • Alexandria Lindeman Go catch that dwarf!!! December 2023 $25.00