Support my first marathon as part of Team OLA 2023!
I'm running the 2023 Bank of America Chicago to support Mission of Our Lady of the Angels!
I chose to support Team OLA because I’ve had the opportunity to volunteer at their food pantry a few times & the experiences were so fulfilling. Everyone on the OLA team is always so gracious & energized, and the neighbors we served expressed such gratitude & joy that it was an easy choice to support this cause.
When I decided to register last fall, I was at a personal low. I was sad, stressed, and out of shape. I had done a few races & liked it, but was scared to commit to the full thing. Since, I’ve emphasized taking better care myself in all aspects and all glory be to God for His grace & showing me how setting challenging goals has helped me grow.
Mission of Our Lady of the Angels exists to provide material and spiritual support to W. Humboldt Park, Chicago- one of the most challenged neighborhoods in the US. The Mission feeds about 3000 families a month, provides additional material and pastoral support to families, youth, and senior citizens, and, most importantly, brings the love of Christ to a neighborhood desperately in need of hope. More info about the Mission at
Funds raised from Team OLA 2023 will be used to:
(1) Help the Mission expand its food pantry + other material distributions
(2) Help the Mission successfully start using its new outreach center!
The Mission is a 501(c)(3) and relies entirely on the donations of private donors.
Mother's Day Lunch at Mission OLA
Mission OLA's pantry! Lots of food, lots of variety!
Mission OLA's pantry includes milk, meat and eggs!
The Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago who run Mission OLA
of your goal reached
My Badges
First Donation
Awarded when Anyone receives 1 or more donations
Awarded 06/19/2023
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 10/04/2023
My Supporters
- Jack Crowe Congrats Marcos. Hope it went well. Jack October 2023 $50.00
- Cardenas Trucking We are extremely proud of you for taking on this challenge!! October 2023
- Alan Francis October 2023 $10.40
- Hermila Martinez Orgullosa de ti . Dios te bendiga y cumple tu meta ♥️♥️ October 2023
- Facebook Donor October 2023 $30.00
- Lucia Carrera October 2023 $150.00
- David Hulseberg June 2023 $104.00
- Jay V Photography October 2023 $100.00
- Facebook Donor September 2023 $75.00
- Edward Muir October 2023 $52.00