Donor Leaderboard

MB First Place

Mark, Bonita and Vanessa Thompson


A Second Place



A Third Place



A Fourth Place



JP Fifth Place

John phillips


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Mark, Bonita and Vanessa Thompson $20,000.00
2 Anonymous $5,000.00
3 Anonymous $4,000.00
4 Anonymous $3,000.00
5 John phillips $2,575.00
6 Fellowship of the Rockies $2,575.00
7 Anonymous $2,000.00
8 Anonymous $2,000.00
9 Anonymous $1,800.00
10 Anonymous $1,030.00
11 William Carrier $1,030.00
12 Anonymous $1,030.00
13 Cornelia Duryee $1,030.00
14 LeAnn Pope $1,030.00
15 Joseph Joy $1,030.00
16 Scott Sirich $1,030.00
17 Vanessa Seppa $1,030.00
18 Carol Pelino $1,030.00
19 Evergreen Results $1,030.00
20 Price Pritchett $1,030.00
21 Kevin Phillips $1,030.00
22 Anonymous $1,030.00
23 Tina Wang $1,030.00
24 Anonymous $1,030.00
25 Carol Pelino $1,030.00
26 LeAnn Pope $1,030.00
27 Sally & DJ Allen $1,000.00
28 100 Coaches $1,000.00
29 Ben Olds $1,000.00
30 Todd Phillips $1,000.00
31 Anonymous $1,000.00
32 Mark Russo $1,000.00
33 Lindsey Strickler $1,000.00
34 Mariam Ballow $1,000.00
35 Anonymous $1,000.00
36 Kurt and Kim Sahlin $824.00
37 Jack Stahl $772.50
38 Anonymous $600.00
39 David Klopp $600.00
40 Dean Miles $515.00
41 Tollie Bernard $515.00
42 Lyda & Marshall Goldsmith $515.00
43 David Burnett $515.00
44 Anonymous $515.00
45 Mary and Doug Thomas $515.00
46 Robert Philips $515.00
47 Sarah Perkins $515.00
48 Jen Goldman-Wetzler $515.00
49 Anonymous $515.00
50 Carol Pelino $515.00
51 Connie Dieken $515.00
52 Anonymous $500.00
53 Laurie Moore $500.00
54 Nichole Boscolo $500.00
55 Anonymous $500.00
56 Alex Lazarus $500.00
57 Gene Early $500.00
58 Robert Phan $500.00
59 Anonymous $500.00
60 Emily Rogers $500.00
61 William Fiala $500.00
62 Shellley and Joe Shelly $500.00
63 Albert Erisman $412.00
64 Scott Osman & Allegra Kochman $360.00
65 Eleanor and Peter Bregman $360.00
66 Amanda Setili $350.00
67 Jerry Smith $309.00
68 CrossFit Evergreen $309.00
69 Garry Ridge $257.50
70 Anonymous $257.50
71 Hojoong Kim $257.50
72 Ashley Fric $257.50
73 Erica Clayton $257.50
74 Jacob Fischer $257.50
75 Mark Parsells $257.50
76 Anonymous $257.50
77 Morag Barrett $257.50
78 Linda Shelby $257.50
79 Fred Sasser $257.50
80 Amy Fahey $257.50
81 Patricia Burgin $257.50
82 Stephanie Jameson $257.50
83 James Penney $257.50
84 Jim Anderson $257.50
85 Trista Pickell $257.50
86 Lori Olson $257.50
87 John Weller $250.00
88 Alex Opyd $250.00
89 Ron Carucci $250.00
90 Jon Halverson $250.00
91 Suzy Burke $250.00
92 Inspired Closets $250.00
93 Lori Olson $250.00
94 Joe Hart $250.00
95 Michelle & Chuck McFarland $250.00
96 John Reed $250.00
97 Kemp Battle $250.00
98 Jennifer McCollum $250.00
99 Joe Michaels $206.00
100 Talca Woods $206.00
101 Allison Trukenbrod $206.00
102 Kristin Hoppes Enterprises $206.00
103 Brian Thompson $206.00
104 Sue Couper $206.00
105 Megan Lawrence $206.00
106 Steven Mitchell $206.00
107 Kait Lane $206.00
108 Stacy Smith $206.00
109 Scott Eblin $206.00
110 Julie Stringham $206.00
111 Kenneth Altena $206.00
112 Kim Malbrough $200.00
113 Gayle Nelson $200.00
114 Owen Ho $185.40
115 ARTHUR FRIED $180.00
116 Shari Lutey $154.50
117 McLeod & More, Inc. $154.50
118 Rhoades Investment corp $154.50
119 Colleen Schofield $154.50
120 Kate Gardner $154.50
121 Jennifer Creegan $128.75
122 Adam Birnbaum $112.35
123 Michelle Lederman $108.00
124 Howie Jacobson $103.00
125 Kiria Carlton $103.00
126 Stephen Myers $103.00
127 Alphavest $103.00
128 Prakash Raman $103.00
129 Kevin Neuhouser $103.00
130 June McAdams $103.00
131 Laura Gassner Otting $103.00
132 Ken Algien $103.00
133 Patricia Putnam $103.00
134 Ryan Myers $103.00
135 Maggie Wilcox $103.00
136 Brian Underhill $103.00
137 John DeVitis $103.00
138 Christopher Littlefield $103.00
139 John LaMunyon $103.00
140 Robert Drovdahl $103.00
141 Andrew Correll $103.00
142 Mary Olson-Menzel $103.00
143 Sara Stewart $103.00
144 Heather Radzinski $103.00
145 Charlie and Karen Jones $103.00
146 Erica Dhawan $103.00
147 kathy griffiths $103.00
148 Thomas Kolditz $103.00
149 Charlotte Vigeant $103.00
150 Stephen Myers $103.00
151 Lindsey Paulsen $103.00
152 Ruth Drury $103.00
153 Johanna Mahal $103.00
154 Bobby Smith $103.00
155 Bruce Kasanoff $103.00
156 Yukio Kojima $103.00
157 Lilian Ajayi Ore $103.00
158 Jessica Shannon $103.00
159 Shelby Perry $103.00
160 Liz Wiseman $103.00
161 Kim Collier $103.00
162 Steven Mollen $103.00
163 Sergio Lopez $103.00
164 Carolyn Defrin $103.00
165 Amii Barnard-Bahn $103.00
166 Paul Gray $103.00
167 Sue Pannunzio $103.00
168 Anonymous $103.00
169 Pete DeLaRosa $103.00
170 Kiki’s Cookies & Cakes LLC $103.00
171 Bill Zeeb $103.00
172 Julie Crain $103.00
173 Meg Wolf $103.00
174 Anonymous $103.00
175 Susan White $103.00
176 Srikumar Rao $103.00
177 Thomas Krajecki $103.00
178 Grace Inae Blum $103.00
179 Jim and Christa Delaney $103.00
180 Suzie Bishop $103.00
181 Lisa Neuberger $103.00
182 Thomas Angsten $103.00
183 Laura A Coyle $103.00
184 Johanna Mahal $103.00
185 Beth Polish $103.00
186 Albert Erisman $103.00
187 Brian Felder $103.00
188 Heather Delaney $103.00
189 Dan and Gretchen Taflin $103.00
190 Joey Collins $103.00
191 Tammy Jersey $103.00
192 Jessie Schiavone $103.00
193 Paul Corona $103.00
194 Laine Joelson Cohen $103.00
195 Dianne Arp $103.00
196 Tyler Myers $103.00
197 Eric Schurenberg $100.00
198 Navid Nazemian Executive Coaching FZCO $100.00
199 Stephanie Sica $100.00
200 Kate Colon $100.00
201 Caroline Webb $100.00
202 Mort Aaronson $100.00
203 Jennifer J. Fondrevay $100.00
204 Carrie Schlough $100.00
205 Steve Shepherd $100.00
206 Claire Diaz-Ortiz $100.00
207 Monica Valdez $100.00
208 Adrian Gostick $100.00
209 Alisa Cohn $100.00
210 Scott Didrickson $100.00
211 Stella & Amanda Oberdorf $100.00
212 Synnove Davidson $100.00
213 Robert Drovdahl $100.00
214 Evangel Kokkino $100.00
215 Kathryn Long $100.00
216 Frank Wagner $100.00
217 Karen Wilson $100.00
218 Jessica Kreul $100.00
219 Carly Tatum $100.00
220 Adair Dammann $100.00
221 Cris Zuniga $100.00
222 Tricia Brouk $100.00
223 Isabella Vogl $51.50
224 Aaron Sandorffy $51.50
225 Megan Lundquist $51.50
226 Zack Urbanski $51.50
227 Heather Kaczrowski $51.50
228 Anonymous $51.50
229 Brad Romig $51.50
230 Jeremy Dwyer $51.50
231 Dom DiNardo $51.50
232 Bryant Mitchell $51.50
233 Lindsey Pollak $51.50
234 John Cosley $51.50
235 Sarah Minton $51.50
236 James Letson $51.50
237 Heather Kaczrowski $51.50
238 Joshua Tom $51.50
239 Collin Shea $51.50
240 Jackson Parker $51.50
241 Anonymous $51.50
242 Jim Spangler $51.50
243 Sandra Lopez $51.50
244 Jenn Mason $51.50
245 Bryan Reil $51.50
246 Carmen C.C. Crispeno $50.00
247 Theodora Clark $50.00
248 Marty Flannery $50.00
249 Rachel Book $50.00
250 Marni Entrop $30.00
251 Kelli Walker $25.75
252 Liz Clay $25.75
253 Julie lobb $25.75
254 Stacy Gaber $25.75
255 Kelli Walker $25.75
256 Anonymous $25.75
257 Kelli Walker $25.75
258 Jennifer Smiley $25.75
259 Estefania Gabriel $25.75
260 Kelli Walker $25.75
261 Andrew Rizzi $25.75
262 Shelayne Scotch $25.00
263 Troy Valdez $20.60
264 Tim Hola $20.60
265 Olivia Diamond $20.60
266 Michael Iantosca $20.60
267 Ana Gabriel $15.45
268 Rachael Koplin $10.30