Help Me Survive the Chicago Marathon (and Support Special Olympics)!

Guess what? I've decided to trade my high heels for running shoes and tackle the Chicago Marathon! No, I'm not chasing down a hot dog vendor—I'm running to support the Special Olympics.

Now, before you start picturing me gracefully gliding through 26.2 miles of scenic streets, let me assure you: this will be more like a controlled stumble. But hey, it's all for a good cause!

I've set a fundraising goal of $1750, and I need your help to get there. Whether you can spare $5, $20, or your entire coffee budget for the week (I promise I won't judge), every little bit counts.

Thanks a million for considering my plea—I mean, request. And if you have any tips on avoiding blisters, please send them my way!

**If you wish to make a donation via check, please send to the address below and they will credit the donation to my fundraising page. Please make sure to include my name (or the person you would like to support) in the memo section.

Please make all checks payable to Special Children's Charities.

Mail to: 
Special Children's Charities 
2 E. 8th St., Suite 2M
Chicago, IL 60605

Again, thank you for supporting the thousands of participants with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Chicago!





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Ulrike Beran I am super excited to donate to Special Olympics. What an awesome and meaningful cause. 2 days ago $105.00
  • Liz Brown 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Kasey Nolan 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Marcie Sehlhorst Good luck Savannah!! 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Jill Davy Good luck Savannah - make us proud! (We already are proud, but you know, proudER!!) 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Daniel Strub June 2024 $125.00
  • Ulrike Beran I am super excited to donate to Special Olympics. What an awesome and meaningful cause. 2 days ago $105.00
  • Kasey Nolan 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Jill Davy Good luck Savannah - make us proud! (We already are proud, but you know, proudER!!) 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Jeffrey Smalley Go Savannah!!! June 2024 $100.00