I'm running the Chicago Marathon!

Read about my WHY

I believe connecting people through sports and physical activity is instrumental in spreading a culture of inclusion, acceptance, and joy. Special Olympics is working to create a more inclusive Chicago... one mile at a time! (or in my case 26.2 miles)

Everyone knows how much I love Chicago! It is my goal to move here and raise my family. I have such a passion for helping people with disabilities and special needs. I have worked with children with special needs for the past 7 years. I also have a family member who has special needs whom I love more than anyone. It is so important to me to make everyone feel included and loved no matter what. I am very grateful for this opportunity and to raise money for individuals with all types of disabilities. To connect the two things I love (running and helping others) makes me very happy. 

I am absolutely ecstatic and still in shock that I get to run the Chicago Marathon. This has been a goal of mine for over 10 years and I finally have my chance. I am so excited and nervous to run my 2nd full marathon. I have already started training with a new coach this year. I cannot wait to cross the finish line and eat a cheeseburger!

If you wish to make a donation via check, please send to the address below and they will credit the donation to my fundraising page. Please make sure to include my name in the memo section. All donations are greatly appreciated, especially because this organization has truly impacted my life.

Please make all checks payable to Special Children's Charities.

Mail to: 
Special Children's Charities 
2 E. 8th St., Suite 2M
Chicago, IL 60605

I am absolutely ecstatic to be a part of #TeamSpecialChildrensCharities !





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My Supporters

  • Anonymous You got this enjoy and have fun !!!! 3 days ago
  • Anonymous 2 weeks ago
  • Brittany Godfrey July 2024 $26.25
  • Anonymous May 2024
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Anonymous April 2024 $400.00
  • Brittany Godfrey July 2024 $26.25