My Personal Fundraising Page

Junior Achievement empowers young people to own their economic success.~JA

JA focuses on making students financially responsible, prepared for the workforce and entrepreneurially savvy. JA provides a powerful learning experience for young people for two reasons:

  • JA programs are delivered by volunteers from business and the community, who work hand in hand with classroom teachers. These volunteers inspire the students through their real-world experience.
  • The curriculum consists of hands-on activities that allow the students to learn by doing. Designed by national experts in learning, activities are engaging, fun and comprehensive. All JA lessons correlate to the state curriculum standards.

While most of JA’s programs are provided to students during the school day as a part of regular classes, JA also has programs for after-school settings and sponsors conferences and other learning opportunities at local company sites and colleges and universities.

JA is proud to reach thousands of young people in this region. But we need to reach more, and we can’t do so without your help. Please consider becoming a classroom volunteer – it’s easy, fun and fulfilling. You also can help by providing financial support, either through a donation or involvement in one of our special events.






of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Lorie Murphy February 2016 $10.00
  • Rafael Sanabria February 2016 $100.00
  • Ilene Cuadrado Dear Nancy, Best of luck in your Bowl-a-Thon. I will be cheering for you!! Best regards, Ilene February 2016 $25.00
  • Daniel Collette February 2016 $15.00
  • Marlene Rodriguez Hi Nancy I remember when I was in 7th grade at Burr School in Hartford and someone from JA came to our classroom to teach us how to fill out and balance a check book. It was a great learning experience. I think I still have the certificate when I completed February 2016 $25.00
  • Rafael Sanabria February 2016 $100.00
  • Annette Sanabria I will always support programs designed to help our youth. Have fun bowling for an awesome cause sis! January 2016 $50.00
  • Ilene Cuadrado Dear Nancy, Best of luck in your Bowl-a-Thon. I will be cheering for you!! Best regards, Ilene February 2016 $25.00
  • Marlene Rodriguez Hi Nancy I remember when I was in 7th grade at Burr School in Hartford and someone from JA came to our classroom to teach us how to fill out and balance a check book. It was a great learning experience. I think I still have the certificate when I completed February 2016 $25.00
  • Celeste Neilsen February 2016 $25.00