Donor Leaderboard

IE First Place

Indiana Emergency Care


A Second Place



S& Third Place

Sarah & Matt Fletcher


VW Fourth Place

Victoria Woody


SE Fifth Place

Shandi Elliot


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Indiana Emergency Care $500.00
2 Anonymous $250.00
3 Sarah & Matt Fletcher $250.00
4 Victoria Woody $100.00
5 Shandi Elliot $100.00
6 Victoria Woody $100.00
7 Joe Kepner $50.00
8 Kay Storms $50.00
9 Doug and Sally Houck $50.00
10 Lucas Woody $50.00
11 Carold Johnson $50.00
12 Bonnie Sells $50.00
13 Anonymous $50.00
14 Allen Ellison $40.00
15 Casey Maxfirld and Family $25.00
16 Justine Libby $25.00
17 Justine Libby $25.00
18 Anonymous $20.00
19 Walker Ellison $20.00
20 michael Rogers $10.00
21 Jennifer Million $10.00
22 Chris bell $10.00
23 Rebecca Puskar $10.00
24 Bob & Anita Baker $10.00
25 Jason Mullendore $5.00