
Full Rankings

Rank Top Participants Team Name Amount Raised
1 Chris Henkel Revenge of the Nerds Part 2 $1,219.25
2 Patti Kerner Four Minions Plus One $703.50
3 Brian Berkowitz Stay in Your Lane $675.01
4 David Fry XXX-Matrix $675.00
5 Eric Brandsness XXX-Matrix $533.75
6 Zach Carey Stay in Your Lane $464.75
7 Matthew Janssen Stay in Your Lane $382.50
8 Debbie Kotbagi Revenge of the Nerds Part 2 $367.50
9 Al Thomas XXX-Matrix $331.25
10 Augusta Weide Spare Wars $324.75
11 Kim Boylton XXX-Matrix $306.25
12 Curtis Heaser XXX-Matrix $306.25
13 Janet Reyes Silence of the Lanes $288.75
14 Margy Kvamme Four Minions Plus One $252.50
15 Carolyn Fisher Gutter Rangers $250.00
16 Sarah Roskos Silence of the Lanes $228.75
17 Jack Nelson Silence of the Lanes $226.25
18 Nels Simpson Stay in Your Lane $225.00
19 Jackie Winnekins Star Struck $208.75
20 Fati Dianda Stay in Your Lane $186.75
21 Molly Gallu Gutter Rangers $171.00
22 Melissa Stadley Revenge of the Nerds $170.00
23 Anthony Counce Revenge of the Nerds $160.00
24 Shannon Hutton Revenge of the Nerds $160.00
25 Yen Nguyen The Big Lebowlski's $159.75
26 Eric Muellner The Big Lebowlski's $158.75
27 Nick Devine Money Lane $157.50
28 Chris Sparks The Enterprisers $157.50
29 Grant Benson Revenge of the Nerds $155.00
30 Susan Her Star Struck $151.25
31 Tracia Sedivy Silence of the Lanes $150.95
32 Adam Jefferson Money Lane $150.50
33 Andrea Ellis Revenge of the Nerds Part 2 $150.00
34 Leah Struebing Money Lane $150.00
35 Chad Blank Four Minions Plus One $150.00
36 Cale Miller Spare Wars $150.00
37 John Berard The Big Lebowlski's $150.00
38 Bradley Wolff 5 Angry Bowlers (LCEA) $135.00
39 Peter Hellawell Revenge of the Nerds $135.00
40 Scott Golmen Go Hard on the Equipment $131.25
41 Thomas Dillon The Enterprisers $131.25
42 Deb Lodoen The Enterprisers $131.25
43 Kyle Klick Gutter Rangers $130.00
44 Kyle Reuben Star Struck $130.00
45 Crystal Williams The Big Lebowlski's $130.00
46 Pa Lee Star Struck $129.00
47 Chasity Boysen The Big Lebowlski's $126.25
48 Chris Lindsley Don't Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
49 ELIZABETH RICE Revenge of the Nerds Part 2 $125.00
50 Sandibel Najera Star Struck $125.00
51 Bradley Utter Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
52 David Baker Gutter Rangers $125.00
53 Stephen Lorwa Money Lane $125.00
54 Debbie Farinella Office Spare $125.00
55 Shyla Kolthoff Office Spare $125.00
56 Brigitte Brezny Office Spare $125.00
57 Jaime OBrien Office Spare $125.00
58 Elizabeth Tromiczak Office Spare $125.00
59 Jim Searcy Gutter Rangers $125.00
60 Sheri Isaacs Four Minions Plus One $125.00
61 Angie Nelson 5 Angry Bowlers (LCEA) $125.00
62 Brad Betlach 5 Angry Bowlers (LCEA) $125.00
63 Tim Eaton Don't Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
64 Christi Paurus Don't Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
65 Matthew Moore Don't Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
66 Dave Harman Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
67 Sandy Berrisford Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
68 Kara Saemann Spare Wars $125.00
69 Sarah Nienaber Spare Wars $125.00
70 Alli Honchell Spare Wars $125.00
71 Kristina Meyer The Enterprisers $125.00
72 Molly Dean Silence of the Lanes $125.00
73 Andrea Fish The Enterprisers $125.00
74 Mona Zielke Don't Go Hard on the Equipment $125.00
75 Brian Herda Four Minions Plus One $121.25
76 Rohit Sharma Revenge of the Nerds Part 2 $100.00
77 Kathy Healy 5 Angry Bowlers (LCEA) $76.25