Facing Cancer Together Since 1994

For 30 years, the Cancer Resource Center (previously Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance) has been gathering the community together each Fall to support the mission that no one should face cancer alone. Every year the event is a little different, but the reasons we participate are always the same:

- To honor loved ones who have passed from cancer,

- To celebrate the survivors in our lives today, and

- To raise awareness and encourage screening in our community.

This year, we will be meeting at the Kiwanis Pavilion at Cass Park at 8:00AM on Saturday, October 5th (2024). When you register to attend the event, you'll have the option of purchasing event swag as well as breakfast vouchers for after the walk. Runners will also be able to pick up their bibs when they arrive.

We will kick off the festivities with a fun guided warm-up activity, and reconvene after the walk at the Kiwanis Pavilion for food (local food trucks!), games, music, and prizes!

Event Schedule

7:00am - Volunteer Check-in

8-8:30am - Participant Check-in

8:30am - Warm-up 

8:45am - Runners Begin

9:00am - Walkers Begin 

9:00 -10:00am - Run/Walk Finish 

9:00am -11:00am - Breakfast by The Silver Spoon 

11:30am - 1:00pm - Breakdown 

The Route

The route we walk is technically part of the "Waterfront Trail" in Cass Park. Last year, Google Maps gave us faulty directions (we should've double-checked them though), so this year we are using the runner-approved app RunGo for our 5K route.

Where is Cass Park?

Cass Park is technically located at 701 Taughannock Boulevard in Ithaca, however, that address can be slightly misleading. We actually gather at about 121 Turtle Lane, just a stone's throw past the Ithaca Children's Garden. Click on the map below for specific directions!

Click here to go to the Google Map!