
Fundraising Page: David Zavala First Place

David Zavala


Fundraising Page: Diana Gass Second Place

Diana Gass


Fundraising Page: Hunter Hoff Fifth Place

Hunter Hoff


Full Rankings

Rank Top Participants Team Name Amount Raised
1 David Zavala Dog Soldiers $1,800.00
2 Diana Gass Resilient Hearts $1,195.00
3 Katie Barnett $730.00
4 Zachary Batista Dog Soldiers $270.00
5 Hunter Hoff US LIFESTYLE $185.00
6 Anthony Pinedo $185.00
7 Joey Manzanares Riverside OPT $140.00
8 Mary Lawrence $135.00
9 John Porter Riverside OPT $135.00
10 Alejandro Miranda $135.00
11 Albert Munoz CrossFit Fontana $135.00
12 Ingrid uhler $130.00
13 J Sebastian Laughlin Dog Soldiers $130.00
14 Joleen Oakes Dog Soldiers $130.00
15 Edward Corillo US LIFESTYLE $100.00
16 Vanessa Rios Dog Soldiers $95.00
17 Suzanne Carmell $85.00
18 Eric Rodriguez $85.00
19 Alexis Vickers $80.00
20 Joshua Gordon Riverside OPT $80.00
21 Amanda Waterfield $75.00
22 Daniel Sunahara DAWGS $75.00
23 Shirley McAllister Dog Catchers $70.00
24 Torrie Lozano $60.00
25 Lauri Topete $60.00
26 Diana Gomez Bronx’s Warriors $60.00
27 Matt Youngblood CrossFit Fontana $55.00
28 Shawn Warner CrossFit Fontana $55.00
29 Leonard Pierson $55.00
30 Chris Burgess Riverside OPT $50.00
31 Michelle Hall Miles with my Mutts $40.00
32 Casey Dodge $35.00
33 Jerry Sr Barba Riverside OPT $35.00
34 Joe Martinez Riverside OPT $35.00
35 Sarah Hoff US LIFESTYLE $35.00
36 Michael Rodriguez Riverside OPT $35.00
37 Carmen Alvarez Riverside OPT $35.00
38 Lisa Manchell $35.00
39 Jessica Levin $35.00
40 Christian Valdez Dog Soldiers $35.00
41 Biff Gass Resilient Hearts $35.00
42 Pete Light US LIFESTYLE $30.00
43 Jenalise Orton $30.00
44 Michael Messmer Fontana/Rialto Elks $30.00
45 Marylin Arroyo $30.00
46 Will Arroyo $30.00
47 Erika Miranda $30.00
48 Cathleen Hesche $30.00
49 patricia Bradd US LIFESTYLE $30.00
50 Chelsea DiGerolamo $30.00
51 Kyle Navarrette $30.00
52 Taylor Wetter CrossFit Fontana $30.00
53 Daniel Gomez CrossFit Fontana $30.00
54 Aaron Arraiga $30.00
55 Robert Tabares $30.00
56 Maria Tabares $30.00
57 Tom Enochs $30.00
58 Rebecca Villanueva $30.00
59 Samuel San Martin $30.00
60 Isabelle Tabares $30.00
61 Jasmine Barrios $30.00
62 Alfredo Chen Dog Catchers $30.00
63 Sheila Ordonez $30.00
64 Becky McDonald $30.00
65 Karla McDonald $30.00
66 Andrew McDonald $30.00
67 Michael Valenzuela US LIFESTYLE $30.00
68 Aaron Schulman $30.00
69 Kathleen Lawrence $30.00
70 Benjamin Lawrence $30.00
71 Craig Lawrence $30.00
72 Carley Hall Miles with my Mutts $30.00
73 Michael Hall Miles with my Mutts $30.00
74 Jarod Behee Dog Soldiers $30.00
75 Nicole Mayer $30.00
76 Myriam Chavez US LIFESTYLE $30.00
77 Marko Valenzuela US LIFESTYLE $30.00
78 Jae Young UMHFA $30.00
79 Uriel Saenz US LIFESTYLE $30.00
80 Lesley Tett $30.00
81 George Flores $30.00
82 Natalie Rodriguez Riverside OPT $30.00
83 Patrick Delahanty $30.00
84 Emmaleigh Brown $30.00
85 Gavin Orton $30.00
86 Mike Orton $30.00
87 Sylvia Gomez Bronx’s Warriors $30.00
88 Lyza Lucero $30.00
89 Gavin Lucero $30.00
90 Erika Montoya $30.00
91 Deonna Lee CrossFit Fontana $30.00
92 Mark Olivas CrossFit Fontana $30.00
93 Ryan Hergert Riverside OPT $30.00
94 Patrick Lewis Riverside OPT $30.00
95 Ronald King Riverside OPT $30.00
96 Jolene Flanagin Riverside OPT $30.00
97 America Burgess Riverside OPT $30.00
98 Raquel Cervantes Riverside OPT $30.00
99 Angela Falcon Riverside OPT $30.00
100 Dan Lynch $30.00
101 Kim Sabouhi $30.00
102 Junella Dayton Dayton Aggregate Material Inc $30.00
103 Sean Martin $30.00
104 Reuben Dayton Dayton Aggregate Material Inc $30.00
105 Jenise Orton $30.00
106 Yair Garcia CrossFit Fontana $30.00
107 Roxana Iraheta CrossFit Fontana $30.00
108 rocio valencia $30.00
109 Gonzalo Topete $30.00
110 Crystal Valdez Dog Soldiers $30.00
111 Michelle Caperon Dog Catchers $30.00
112 Marie Pinedo $30.00
113 Allison Hetrick Resilient Hearts $30.00
114 Cristina Leal Resilient Hearts $30.00
115 Casity Walden Resilient Hearts $30.00
116 Nick Capaci Resilient Hearts $30.00
117 Kerissa Capaci Resilient Hearts $30.00
118 Sara Mora $30.00
119 Nethaniel Mora $30.00
120 alina marenco Bronx’s Warriors $30.00
121 Kathy Messmer Fontana/Rialto Elks $30.00
122 Catherine Schwab Dog Catchers $30.00
123 Jean Marie McAllister Dog Catchers $30.00
124 Emma Oakes Dog Soldiers $30.00
125 Kenzie Vickers $30.00
126 Edward Montoya Jr $30.00