My Personal Fundraising Page

In 2015, I was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, with massive blood clots in my legs that had already broken off into my lungs. I was kept on a cardiac unit for 4 1/2 days to monitor my heart and received anti-coagulant shots every few hours. I was repeatedly reminded of the precariousness of my condition--that at the point I was, people were usually put into the ICU and often did not recover. I was so lucky to be aware of the signs of DVT, mostly from having listened to the story of a dear friend from college who had multiple blood clots and eventually passed away. Thanks to her, I had an inkling of what might be happening to me and made the decision to go to the hospital. Throughout the necessary testing afterwards, it was discovered that I have a rare genetic condition that pre-disposes me to blood clots called Factor V Leiden thrombophilia, and that I was "lucky" enough to inherit this gene from both of my parents, making it even more rare, and such that I will require life-long medication and monitoring. This was tough to swallow, and I grappled with understanding how to live a normal life and not be controlled by fear. Since then, I have talked openly and shared information about my condition through my own social networks, but have wanted to do more to raise awareness, which is why I have decided to fundraise and participate in the Walk to Stop the Clot this year. Thank you so much for listening to my story, and I appreciate whatever support you can give.

My Supporters

  • Sarah Adams June 2018 $25.00
  • Robert Richardson June 2018 $25.00
  • Kelli Donnelly May 2018 $50.00
  • Chelsea VanAuken May 2018 $25.00
  • Kelli Donnelly May 2018 $50.00
  • MEREDITH ADAMS It really means a lot to me to be able to raise awareness! May 2018 $50.00
  • Sarah Adams June 2018 $25.00
  • Robert Richardson June 2018 $25.00





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