Donor Leaderboard

TH First Place

The Haley Foundation


A Second Place



AP Third Place

Ann Polya


LL Fourth Place

Lisa LaFrance


KG Fifth Place

Keith Galloway


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 The Haley Foundation $50,000.00
2 Anonymous $2,500.00
3 Ann Polya $1,000.00
4 Lisa LaFrance $1,000.00
5 Keith Galloway $600.00
6 Christopher Thomson $515.00
7 John Dudek $500.00
8 Danielle Peeples $500.00
9 Ann Power (rep’ing Mighty Mountie Moms) $450.00
10 Jose Quinones $257.50
11 LFG Specialties Inc $257.50
12 Stacy Welch $257.50
13 Betsy Peterson $250.00
14 Michael Dillon $250.00
15 Stu Ames $250.00
16 Emily Parish $206.00
17 Ellen Brown $206.00
18 Louis-Philippe Sirois $200.00
19 Katie Arndall $200.00
20 Facebook Donation $152.00
21 Matt Lazarus $118.71
22 Randy & Brenda Schock $111.00
23 Declan Sexton $103.00
24 Jennifer Cynamon $103.00
25 Joe Byne $103.00
26 Linda Schock-leranth $103.00
27 Nicole Escandon $103.00
28 Corrie Holt $103.00
29 Janine Gentry $103.00
30 Donna Troyanowski $103.00
31 Melissa Haley $103.00
32 Amanda Haley $103.00
33 Shawn Levine $103.00
34 Tracey Rizzi $103.00
35 Ruth and John Raymond $103.00
36 Carlynn Troyanowski $103.00
37 Jennifer OCampo $103.00
38 Caroline Brown $103.00
39 Esther Barroso $103.00
40 Kendra Gebhart $103.00
41 Michele Young $103.00
42 Sean Zamora $103.00
43 Aldora Aluminum & Glass $103.00
44 Sharon - Jerrry Feil $103.00
45 Angela Troyanowski $103.00
46 Christian Rodriguez $103.00
47 Jorge Ramos $103.00
48 Robyn Karlin $103.00
49 Cynthia Maronet $100.00
50 Jamie Mills $100.00
51 Melissa Montalbano $100.00
52 David Montalbano $100.00
53 Amanda and Jeffrey Naus $100.00
54 Jessica Nauta $100.00
55 Kaia Charlez $100.00
56 Eddie Stephens $100.00
57 allison aubel $100.00
58 Daniel Booker $100.00
59 Maryann Bahruth $100.00
60 Spenser Lake $100.00
61 Neve Aubel $100.00
62 Justin Appel $100.00
63 Michelle Rodriguez $100.00
64 Mindy and Bobby Walters $100.00
65 Ashley Bestoso $100.00
66 Neal Merlan $100.00
67 Robert Montalbano $100.00
68 Amber Tuzio $100.00
69 Ann Polya $100.00
70 Jesse Rodriguez $100.00
71 Geovanna Soberon $100.00
72 Marie Daly $100.00
73 Lorraine Rocamboli $100.00
74 Chelsea Heikkinen $100.00
75 Stephanie Moran $100.00
76 Amanda Barbar $100.00
77 Onnie Dougherty $100.00
78 Kelly Aubel $100.00
79 Greg Phillips $100.00
80 Kimberly Fox $100.00
81 Jose Rodriguez $100.00
82 Nancy Stewart $77.25
83 Carlo Amato $77.25
84 Isis Calderon $77.25
85 Isabele Oliveira $77.25
86 Maddie Camp $75.00
87 Sarah Lake $75.00
88 Sarah Portuondo $75.00
89 Josepg Gandolfo $75.00
90 Crystal Mahony $75.00
91 Rachael Walker $75.00
92 Bill Karmis $75.00
93 Alexa Bestoso $75.00
94 Matt Milner $75.00
95 Michelle Sandler $51.50
96 Justine Chiricosta $51.50
97 Ana Escoriaza $51.50
98 Guillermo De Cun $51.50
99 Jone Lazarte $51.50
100 Jennifer Moody $51.50
101 Danielle Lamb $51.50
102 Anna Lisa Dwyer $51.50
103 Garrett Davis $50.00
104 Maria Lazarte $50.00
105 Liz Gribven $50.00
106 Brielle Macchiarelli $50.00
107 Linda Marrillia $50.00
108 Daniel Farley $50.00
109 Catherine Aubel $50.00
110 Rosa Scalcione $50.00
111 Meagan Lietz $50.00
112 Jim and Donna Schock $50.00
113 Nicole Albarano $50.00
114 Alicia Romance $30.00
115 Lynette Boulet $25.75
116 Theresa Waters $25.75
117 Kelly Daly $25.75
118 Colleen De Cerbo $25.75
119 Jennifer Milton $25.75
120 Lindsay Ashby $25.75
121 Danielle DeMicco $25.00
122 Janet Pierce $25.00
123 Courtney Kennedy $25.00
124 Danielle Foy $20.00
125 Ally and Joe Titus $20.00
126 Anonymous $15.45
127 Cesar Coronado $5.15