My Personal Fundraising Page


I'm participating in the 2023 Winter Walk because I believe ending homelessness is within our reach. Through witnessing and being with those in our area who had or are experiencing homelessness, I am moved by their stories. The ways in which MANNA and wider community comes together despite their differences in thoughts, opinions or likes to care for one another and those beyond the ones they already know is a testimony to the love we are all capable of.


An example of this love was the way in which I witnessed this community experiencing worship together with others beyond their group. A community member sitting on a pillow reaching out to hold a priest's hand. They interlocked hands as she turned and looked at him. Many people sometimes put themselves at a distance between those on the streets and those in a home. And yet we are all people. Unhoused folks are just like us, and seeing this priest treating him as a real person was powerful in a society that shuts so many out.

Join me in advocating for those who are experiencing homelessness and other related struggles, as uplift one another. Please learn more about the Winter Walk at and consider a donation to my efforts. 






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  • Anonymous January 2024

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