My Personal Fundraising Page

My Personal Journey

I have not been formally diagnosed with a mental illness, but I've been around mental illness my entire life.  My great Uncle Bill had major depression, my sister has major depression, my mother has social anxiety and is practically an OCD poster child (never diagnosed though, just my opinion), my fiance has major depression, bipolar type 2 disorder and social anxiety, my son has schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type 1 disorder with schizophrenic tendencies), and I know a lot of friends and acquaintances who either have mental illnesses themselves or a family member of theirs has it.  I also know way too many families that have been deeply, deeply affected by a loved one committing suicide. In my opinion, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, however I do understand that people contemplating suicide do not see it that way at all.


I have explained to my son many times over the past two years that your brain knows when every other part of your body is sick, but your brain doesn't always know when IT is sick. That is why I'm walking and raising money for mental health awareness. I'm only a snowflake, but together we can all have a huge impact. One of us will be the snowflake that breaks the branch which starts an avanlanche.


Please join our team and/or support our cause!!!


PS - Brian is 91% of the way to his goal and I'm 0% of the way to my goal! Please help me catch up to him!!! Thanks so much :)





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Natalie Moloney October 2016 $175.00
  • Anonymous October 2016
  • Natalie Moloney October 2016 $175.00