Once upon a time I was bit by a Butterfly

Just kidding, but that is what I tell my God children when they ask why I have Lupus ?

Click here to donate #LiveLaughLupus ?

Contrary to what I may have implied to many of you, lupus is not actually contracted from being bitten by a butterfly, or your mother giving you butterfly kisses as a baby, or her giving you several butterfly necklaces over your lifetime... actually jury is still out. Currently though, lupus is defined as a chronic autoimmune disease, where my immune system likes to square up to my joints, tissue, and a few organs.  Its kind of like the "stop hitting yourself" game you and your siblings played only I am hitting myself, unintentionally. There isn't a cure, but it can be managed so that your body does not deteriorate but you are often left with fatigue, inflammation, swollen joints, difficulty breathing, and a cute bumpy butterfly shaped rash over your face. So for the sake of myself and  fellow lupus lifer Selena Gomez, funding this research is extremely important for our future quality of life (and my bank account because this immune system is expensive). Please consider donating, or walking with us! Matthew is supplying a butterfly themed mimosa to kick off the walk! (and by that I mean he is paying for it and has no idea yet so if you made it this far that's between you and I)

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