My Personal Fundraising Page
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My Teammates
- SL Suzette Lucarini $280.00
- YM Yvonne McCoy-Helton $80.00
- VC Violeta Christova $60.00
- ER Eric Rogers $55.00
- DW Derrick Williams $50.00
- SM Sandy Martin $30.00
- CW Claude Watson $30.00
- AL Ashlee Lewis $30.00
- PC Paula Curtiss $30.00
- JC John Curtiss $30.00
- JW Joseph Weekly $30.00
- AS Aaron Smith $30.00
- KH Kimberly Haley $30.00
- CH Chase Haley $30.00
- AW Amy WILKINS $30.00
- SH Symantha Haley $30.00
- JW Joshua WILKINS $30.00
- MZ Matt Zoccola $30.00
- MH Micah Haley $30.00
- SM Sophie McMurtray $30.00
- VP Vania Patarchanova $30.00
- TB Todd Bacon $30.00
- PW Paige Watson Team Captain $30.00
- JM Jennifer Molina $30.00
- HC Heather Carty $30.00
- BL Ben LePere $30.00
- MP Melinda Parton $30.00
- JJ Jeremy Johnson $30.00
- JJ Jennifer Johnson $30.00
- SD Shannon Deal $30.00
- SI Stephen ILes $30.00
- BO Beverly Osborn $30.00
- KH Kristina Hofsess $30.00
- DW Donna Watson $30.00
- JG Jimmy Greer $30.00
- AT Amanda Truesdell $30.00
- MC Morgan Cain $30.00
- SL Susan Lewis $30.00
- DL David Lewis $30.00
- DV Daniela Van Avery $30.00
- AR Annie Reed Wilkins $15.00
- GW Grant Wilkins $15.00
- OJ Olivia Johnson $15.00
- GJ Garrett Johnson $15.00
- DC Daniel Christov $15.00
- SC Simeon Christov $15.00
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