Will you help provide a scholarship for youth in underserved communities?



You Make a Big Difference!

In South Florida, I have the privilege to work with students from two high schools (the third school is pending!). There's so much joy in "doing life" with these teens. Retreats, after-school clubs, mentoring moments, award ceremonies, skill-building, community building, salvation celebrations... Every moment is so, so worth it! It's so awesome seeing teens get what so many of us didn't have growing up. And now you can get involved!

Youth for Christ is launching a movement to unite our communities around the truth that we believe in our youth. We believe thousands of people will engage in YOUTH MATTER  — and as young people reach out and share their enthusiasm, we will see that our words and encouragement matter.  

Through October 14, 2023, Youth for Christ will celebrate the first annual YOUTH MATTER across South Florida to ensure kids and teens know that they are seen, heard, and genuinely cared for. 

Below are some ways you can get involved in this movement:

  • Send a message to a kid/teen you know to encourage them, letting them know they matter to you
  • Join me in fundraising to help Youth for Christ reach more youth across South Florida
  • Post a 30-second video telling the youth in your life how much they matter to you! (use #YM2023)
  • Write a kid/teen a physical letter to tell them how much they matter to you (contact me to get cards)
  • Pray along with me on behalf of the kids and teens in your neighborhood

I'm grateful for your support of this important cause!

-Danique R.



Matching Gift Sponsor

Do you have a church, company, or organization that would like to be a matching sponsor in supporting our youth? It's easy! Pick any level below, click on "Donate Now" and click on the "Company" button 


Video shoutouts on Miami YFC's social media through the end of the year | Complimentary swag for your business | Your business advertised on Miami YFC's social media, emails, and website



Complimentary swag for your business | Your business advertised on Miami YFC's social media, emails, and website



Your business advertised on Miami YFC's social media, emails, and website



Your business advertised on Miami YFC's emails and website



Your business advertised on Miami YFC's website


To submit your matching gift online with a credit card, click the  "Donate"  button. When filling out the information, be sure to click the check box that says  "Company"  to enter your information. 


En Español

¡Ud. hace una gran diferencia! 

Nuestra Organización “Juventud para Cristo” (Youth For Christ) tendrá un Evento de una semana para unir a nuestras comunidades en torno a la gran verdad de que LA JUVENTUD IMPORTA. Sabemos que miles de personas participarán en la semana LA JUVENTUD IMPORTA, y a medida que los jóvenes se acerquen y compartan su entusiasmo, veremos que nuestras palabras de ánimo y aliento importan.

Juventud para Cristo esta celebrando la primera semana anual LA JUVENTUD IMPORTA, YOUTH MATTER en todo el Sur de la Florida para garantizar que nuestros jóvenes sepan que estaremos con ellos en unidad cuando nos necesiten porque creemos en su capacidad para cambiar nuestro mundo.

Jóvenes, CREEMOS EN USTEDES. Creemos en su futuro y valoramos lo que tienen para ofrecer. Estamos dispuestos a poner nuestro tiempo, nuestra palabra y nuestras finanzas para verlos exitosos. Vemos su fuerza brillar, y haremos todo lo posible por apoyarlos.

¡Estamos muy agradecidos por su ayuda en esta importante causa!


¿Tiene una iglesia, compañía u organización a la que le gustaría patrocinar? Nosotros igualaríamos el equivalente de ese patrocinio para apoyar a nuestros jóvenes. ¡Es fácil! haga clic para aprender mas. 

My Goal Progress





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Sonia and Robert Lopez October 2023 $100.00
  • Sonia and Robert Lopez October 2023 $100.00