Team Heavenly Rose

Gianna Mia Rose's 7th Birthday Celebration

Gianna Mia Rose is our daughter. She is our Heavenly Rose.

We are so proud of her, Gia will be turning SEVEN on the 29th of September! It’s our annual birthday celebration with DSAW at the Down Syndrome Awareness Walk on September 27th to show the world how beautiful the blessing of Down syndrome is to us. She is a gift, our dear Lady Gianna. She is so loved, and has changed and touched so many hearts already ... it's only just beginning.

Dearest family and friends ... won't you please support DSAW by simply donating $10 in-lieu-of a birthday present, by clicking DONATE NOW or, come and join us on Sunday, September 27th at the Milwaukee County Zoo. We will party with food and cake then walk around the zoo. To join our team click on the JOIN TEAM button to the right of this page (BTW, your donation is your admission to the zoo!). 

We plan to meet BEFORE the walk to celebrate Gianna’s birthday between 9:30AM-11AM, (the official walk starts at 11:00AM). When you arrive at the zoo admission gates, just let them know you are there for the DSAW walk and they will let you in. Then look for the birthday balloons toward the far south side of the Oak Grove picnic area outside the main entrance, and the cutest little seven year old animal there!



The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin's 19th Annual Awareness Walk and 5K Run, Roll and Stroll!

People with Down syndrome are more LIKE the rest of us than they are different. They have feelings, talents and dreams just like everyone. They deserve to be accepted and appreciated for who they are and what they contribute to our lives and our communities.

Donating through this website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support our fundraising efforts. You can make your tax-deductible donation online, or if you would prefer, you can send your contribution to the DSAW Office, 3211 Lake Drive, Suite 113, Saint Francis, WI 53235. (Just be sure to write our team name on the memo line so that we get credit for the donation!) Whatever you can give will help ~ it all adds up! To sponsor us simply press Donate Now.

Please also join us on Sunday, September 27th, at the Milwaukee County Zoo and Run, Walk, Roll or Stroll with us as part of our team. It's an incredible day of celebration with family, friends, and people who, like you, want to raise awareness, raise funds, and raise the hope of a better world for all people with Down syndrome. With your support and involvement, our goals of acceptance, inclusion and empowerment will become a reality!

To join our team, click Register For This Event.

Many thanks for your support ~ and PLEASE don't forget to forward this to your entire address book and anyone else who you think might want to donate and register to walk as part of our Team.

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of your goal reached









Join My Team!

My Supporters

  • Cynthia J. Chovanec Happy 7th Birthday Gianna! Love from Auntie Cindy and Uncle Steve September 2015 $25.00
  • Angelica Jimenez-Kern Happy Birthday Miss Gianna! We love you! Nick-Angie-Tony-Lucas September 2015
  • kelly nevsimal September 2015 $25.00
  • Sue Trush September 2015 $50.00
  • Amy Bingen Happy Birthday Gianna! Have a wonderful day at the zoo. Sorry we will not be there to share it with you. Love, Uncle Tim, Aunt Amy, Hannah and Abbi September 2015 $25.00
  • Daniel Czelatdko You rock Gianna! Happy Birthday sweetie! September 2015 $100.00
  • Sue Trush September 2015 $50.00
  • Pam & Joe Suskay Happy 7th Giana! September 2015 $50.00
  • Elizabeth Paulson September 2015 $40.00
  • Cynthia J. Chovanec Happy 7th Birthday Gianna! Love from Auntie Cindy and Uncle Steve September 2015 $25.00

My Teammates