My Personal Fundraising Page
Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! Whether it's a friend, a family member, or neighbor down the street, we almost all know someone with Down syndrome. Like us, many of you have been personally touched by the lives of these individuals. We are proud to be part of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin's 19th Annual Awareness Walk and 5K Run, Roll and Stroll because it means so much to us and to our family.
People with Down syndrome are more LIKE the rest of us than they are different. They have feelings, talents and dreams just like everyone. They deserve to be accepted and appreciated for who they are and what they contribute to our lives and our communities.
Donating through this website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support our fundraising efforts. You can make your tax-deductible donation online, or if you would prefer, you can send your contribution to the DSAW Office, 3211 Lake Drive, Suite 113, Saint Francis, WI 53235. (Just be sure to write our team name on the memo line so that we get credit for the donation!) Whatever you can give will help ~ it all adds up! To sponsor us simply press Donate Now.
Please also join us on Sunday, September 27th, at the Milwaukee County Zoo and Run, Walk, Roll or Stroll with us as part of our team. It's an incredible day of celebration with family, friends, and people who, like you, want to raise awareness, raise funds, and raise the hope of a better world for all people with Down syndrome. With your support and involvement, our goals of acceptance, inclusion and empowerment will become a reality!
To join our team, click Register For This Event.
Many thanks for your support ~ and PLEASE don't forget to forward this to your entire address book and anyone else who you think might want to donate and register to walk as part of our Team.
My Supporters
- kathy turtenwald September 2015 $25.00
- kathy turtenwald September 2015 $25.00
My Teammates
- KB Kelly Beardsley $145.00
- MB Marcy Bayon $70.00
- SH Sarah Hernandez $70.00
- MG Mark Gilbert $65.00
- P Paul Forbes $50.00
- AF Alesha Forbes $50.00
- JE Jen Eklund $45.00
- CK Cathleen Kraus $45.00
- KT kathy turtenwald $45.00
- CM Christopher Martin $45.00
- VN Vicki Nelson $40.00
- MN Mike Nelson $40.00
- P Perry Krumenacher $40.00
- TM Tammy Mack $40.00
- KP karen puestow $40.00
- L Lauren Byrne $40.00
- KN Kathy Nelson $35.00
- JA Jorge Aguilar $25.00
Julie Aguilar Team Captain $25.00
- MM Melissa Martin $25.00
- LB Lori Bechard $25.00
- DB Debra Barnes $25.00
- J Jeffrey Martin $25.00
- EC Emili Coubal $25.00
- AB Ashley Bechard $25.00
- TL Tara LaChance $20.00
- JS Jill Stelmaszewski $20.00
- TL Teri Lorenz $20.00
- GS Gregory Stefanski $20.00
- MG Marianne Gilpatrick $20.00
- DB Dale Beardsley $20.00
- SL Shannon Lange $20.00
- PD Paul Doolen $20.00
- KG Kristen Gilbert $20.00
- EE Eric Eklund $20.00
- N Nicole Munson $20.00
- KC Kevin Coubal $20.00
- CS Caitlin Spraggon $20.00
- K Kjersten Sandin $20.00
- AC Abbie Champeau $20.00
- AC Ashley Coorough $20.00
- JS Janet Ste Marie $20.00
- BL Brandon Lontok $20.00
- WD Whitney doherty $20.00
- JD Joe doherty $20.00
- KC Kim Coubal $20.00
- HS Holly Soto $20.00
- A Anna Ruddies $20.00
Heike Kozlik $20.00
- JK Jeff Kozlik $20.00
- B Bridgid Radtke $20.00
- AO Anne Osvat-Chapman $20.00
- CL Chris Lange $20.00
- JM Joseph Mack $20.00
- JS Jenny Schuh $20.00
- LM Lloyd Munson $20.00
- M Marissa Olsen $20.00
- MD Mitzi Doolen $20.00
- T Tino Acosta $20.00
- JL Jeff Lorenz $20.00
- TC Tammy Coorough $20.00
- ST Sheri Taran-Smith $20.00
- SS Sasha Smith $20.00
- RS Ronnie Shaw $20.00
- JC Jennifer Coubal $20.00
- A Aiden Smith $20.00
- FL Fitzgerald Lontok $20.00
- SS Steve Schuh $20.00
- SH Sue Hebner $20.00
- KL Kristine Lontok $20.00
- MS Monica Ste Marie $20.00
- B Bob Chapman $20.00
- TC Todd Champeau $20.00
- HM Hunter Moilanen $15.00
- BD Brycen De Valk $15.00
- BB Bret Barnes $15.00
- AS Aria Studer $15.00
- AB Averie Beardsley $15.00
- AL Alex Lange $15.00
- E Emily Lange $15.00
- MG Maddie Gilbert $15.00
- EE Emily Eklund $15.00
- AB Annaliese Brott $15.00
- JA Julia Aguilar $15.00
- SR Shay Radtke $15.00
- JR Jorden Radtke $15.00
- EB Ethan Bayon $15.00
- RR RyLee Radtke $15.00
- LM Logan Moilanen $15.00
- AE Ava Eklund $15.00
- JE Jack Ekund $15.00
- GM Grace Munson $15.00
- IL Isabella Lontok $15.00
- AD Alexandra Doherty
- WC William Champeau
- NL Nicholas Lange
- ES Easton Schuh