Will You Help Keep the Memory of the WASP Alive?

Three Crucial New Projects Need Urgent Funding...

Our newly restored Vultee BT-13

The National WASP WWII Museum is working towards a $5.5 million Capital Expansion Project that will nearly double our current size. The new facility will provide a state-of-the-art, climate controlled preservation for all WASP artifacts and documents, which is crucial to protect these historical artifacts and provide the space necessary to expand the collection.

Our WASP Traveling Exhibit and newly-restored Vultee BT-13 Valiant (the same model the WASP flew in WWII) take the inspiring history of the WASP on the road to share the inspiring stories of the WASP with American of all ages at their schools, civic centers, airshows, and other events across the country.

And we're kicking off our Oral History Project to capture the incredible stories of the WASP before they're lost forever.

All of this and more is only possible with your generous support, so please make your tax-deductible donation using the secure form below.  Thank you so much for your support.