Please join us for EUMA’s 28th­ Annual Refuge Golf Tournament to be held on Monday, June 17, 2024 at the Riverside Golf Course, 25437 Route 19 in Cambridge Springs.

For 28 years, homeless families have been able to count on golfers like you to help proved them a place to stay while they get back on their feet. The Refuge is an emergency shelter for homeless families with children, operated by Erie United Methodist Alliance. It is the only shelter in Erie County that allows entire families, including the father, to stay together. In 2023 alone, The Refuge ended homelessness for 162 individuals including 51 families and 95 children.

The registration cost is $80 per person ($320/foursome). Registration begins at 10 AM, and the shotgun start is set for 11:00 AM. This will be a four-person scramble without handicaps and will include various skill prizes. A light lunch will be provided at the start and we will end with a picnic style dinner, with grill burgers by Max and Erma's (Food Sponsor). Also, Please plan to participate in our putting competition.   

Your support of the 28th Annual Refuge Golf Tournament helps children and their families staying at EUMA's The Refuge - move from homeless to HOME – from hopeless to HOPE in a brighter tomorrow.