2024 Back To School: 120 Students





of your goal reached









Farashuu's story

Farashuu, a vibrant 8-year-old girl from a small village in Kenya. She needs your help.

Farashuu’s name means “butterfly” in Swahili, and like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, she is ready to spread her wings and soar - if only given the chance.

Every morning, Farashuu wakes up at dawn, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and hope. She carefully smooths out her faded dress and walks to the edge of her village. There, she watches other children in their crisp uniforms heading to school. Farashuu’s heart flutters with excitement as she imagines herself among them, carrying books, writing in notebooks, and absorbing knowledge that could transform her future.

But for now, that remains just a dream.

Farashuu’s parents, like many in their village, struggle to provide even the basics. The cost of school fees, books, and uniforms is simply out of reach. Instead of learning to read and write, Farashuu spends her days helping her mother tend to their small vegetable garden and looking after her younger siblings.

Yet, Farashuu hasn’t lost her spirit. In the evenings, she sits under the village’s old acacia tree, listening intently as her friends share what they’ve learned in school. She traces letters in the dust, determined to learn despite the obstacles.

This is where you come in.

For just $40, you can provide Farashuu with the books and curriculum she needs for an entire school year. Your gift can be the gentle breeze that helps this young butterfly take flight. She and many others like her need your help today.

Special message from Dr. Daniel & Mary Beth Gilbert

Thank you for being a change agent in Kenya. When you give to the 2024 Back-To-School campaign children gain:

  • A sense of belonging
  • Emotional support
  • Consistency
  • Food & water security
  • Education assistance and school supplies
  • Health & hygiene care and training

Join with us in building up the next generation of leadership in Kenya, one young life at a time.

Dr. Daniel & Mary Beth Gilbert