Presented by Community Foundation of Carroll County

Maryland Catholic Women's Conference: Joyful Journey Exploring the Beatitudes

Registration ends Friday, 11/01/2024 11:59pm EDT

About This Event

Ticket price includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, gift bags, and more. 

Parking is Free

Scholarships Available

Spanish Track/Sesiones de trabajo en español


The theme of this year’s Maryland Catholic Women's Conference is “Joyful Journey: Exploring the Beatitudes,” which will focus on practical ways to live out the Beatitudes. 

Saturday November 9, 8AM to 3:30PM

The day will include opening mass,  keynote speaker, breakout sessions, time for fellowship and reflection, opportunities to meet with Catholic vendors and ministries, along with opportunities for confession and adoration, and (of course) breakfast, lunch, and plenty of coffee! 

The conference is designed for women desiring to learn about their faith at any age or stage of life.

Confirmed Speakers:

(Keynote) Melissa Foley, Executive Director of Resurrected Life 

Breakout Sessions:

María Victoria Casellas, Taller de Animación Bíblica (Española)

Título de la charla: “La Gran Bienaventurada”

Maria Gaviria, The Catholic Daughter (English & Española)

Talk Title: Transforming Caregiving Through Beatitudes

Título de la charla: Transformar el cuidado a través de las bienaventuranzas

Jodi Dauses, Irreplaceable Mother, WWP Speaker

Talk Title: The Attitude of Beatitude: How To Cultivate a Soft Heart

Rebecca Teti, Prosper Podcast, The Catholic University

Erin Moyer, Catholic Charities

About This Event

Ticket price includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, gift bags, and more. 

Parking is Free

Scholarships Available

Spanish Track/Sesiones de trabajo en español


The theme of this year’s Maryland Catholic Women's Conference is “Joyful Journey: Exploring the Beatitudes,” which will focus on practical ways to live out the Beatitudes. 

Saturday November 9, 8AM to 3:30PM

The day will include opening mass,  keynote speaker, breakout sessions, time for fellowship and reflection, opportunities to meet with Catholic vendors and ministries, along with opportunities for confession and adoration, and (of course) breakfast, lunch, and plenty of coffee! 

The conference is designed for women desiring to learn about their faith at any age or stage of life.

Confirmed Speakers:

(Keynote) Melissa Foley, Executive Director of Resurrected Life 

Breakout Sessions:

María Victoria Casellas, Taller de Animación Bíblica (Española)

Título de la charla: “La Gran Bienaventurada”

Maria Gaviria, The Catholic Daughter (English & Española)

Talk Title: Transforming Caregiving Through Beatitudes

Título de la charla: Transformar el cuidado a través de las bienaventuranzas

Jodi Dauses, Irreplaceable Mother, WWP Speaker

Talk Title: The Attitude of Beatitude: How To Cultivate a Soft Heart

Rebecca Teti, Prosper Podcast, The Catholic University

Erin Moyer, Catholic Charities

Getting There

St. Mark Church (Catonsville)
30 Melvin Avenue
Catonsville, 21228
United States