Presented by Willistown Conservation Trust

Integrating Native Wildflowers into Lawns | July 23

Wednesday, July 23 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hartman Meadow at WCT Offices

With over 48 million acres of traditional lawn in the U.S. today, it is clear that many of us have an untapped opportunity to contribute to conservation in a meaningful way. By conscientiously choosing plants in our landscapes that are native to our region, we can begin to reverse some of the habitat loss that imperils ecosystem function and food webs. Our yards can effectively become sources of biodiversity!

Join our stewardship staff on an in-depth tour of our premiere one acre wildflower meadow (which was once nothing more than lawn!); we’ll identify plant species and learn about some of the pollinators, insects, and birds that depend on this habitat. Attendees will learn tips on how to start a meadow of their own, no matter how small.

Wednesday, July 23 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hartman Meadow at WCT Offices

With over 48 million acres of traditional lawn in the U.S. today, it is clear that many of us have an untapped opportunity to contribute to conservation in a meaningful way. By conscientiously choosing plants in our landscapes that are native to our region, we can begin to reverse some of the habitat loss that imperils ecosystem function and food webs. Our yards can effectively become sources of biodiversity!

Join our stewardship staff on an in-depth tour of our premiere one acre wildflower meadow (which was once nothing more than lawn!); we’ll identify plant species and learn about some of the pollinators, insects, and birds that depend on this habitat. Attendees will learn tips on how to start a meadow of their own, no matter how small.

ECOcentric Experience is our new environmental education series for adults seeking a deeper understanding of and closer relationship to nature. Through seasonal lectures as well as immersive field experiences, participants study birds and wildlife, regenerative farming, watershed protection, and habitat stewardship.


Parking will be located at Hartman Meadow at WCT Office (
925 Providence Rd, Newtown Square, PA)
ACCESSIBILITY | This program is entirely in the field. Hiking will be light and easy, on uneven sloped meadow.


CANCELLATION POLICY | WCT may cancel events due to inclement weather or low registration. If an event is canceled, we will notify you of the r
escheduled event date, and you will receive a full refund. If you can no longer attend | If your cancellation is at least 72 hours in advance of the event date, you will receive a full refund. Please email or call 610-353-2562 to cancel. If your cancellation is less than 72 hours' notice and you DO NOT attend a event, your event registration fee will support the Trust's mission to save open space and connect people to nature. Thank you for understanding. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. 

PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY | Attendance throughout the programs and events with Willistown Conservation Trust gives consent to be photographed for use in print and electronic media. Please notify Willistown Conservation Trust staff if you would prefer that your photo not be used for various multimedia or publications. Contact

Program Style:

In field experience.

Please dress accordingly.

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