Presented by Willistown Conservation Trust

Secrets of Saw-whet Owls | October 29

Wednesday, October 29 | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Rushton Conservation Center

Observe Northern Saw-whet Owl banding and experience an autumn evening on the farm! These tiny owls (no bigger than a soda can) travel through Pennsylvania in the fall in search of ideal overwintering habitat. Learn all about their ecology and conservation from our field scientists, and (hopefully) see an owl up-close.

Much remains to be learned about the movements of these secretive boreal birds; you’ll hear how we are using the Motus Wildlife Tracking technology in addition to traditional banding to learn about their unconventional migratory journeys. Sanctuaries such as Rushton are integral to the survival of migratory birds as they journey hundreds of miles from breeding to overwintering grounds. Learn ways you can help make your yard more hospitable to owls and other birds.

This is an ACCESS-friendly event. If you are a current ACCESS card holder, please use the ACCESS option at checkout when registering.

Wednesday, October 29 | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Rushton Conservation Center

Observe Northern Saw-whet Owl banding and experience an autumn evening on the farm! These tiny owls (no bigger than a soda can) travel through Pennsylvania in the fall in search of ideal overwintering habitat. Learn all about their ecology and conservation from our field scientists, and (hopefully) see an owl up-close.

Much remains to be learned about the movements of these secretive boreal birds; you’ll hear how we are using the Motus Wildlife Tracking technology in addition to traditional banding to learn about their unconventional migratory journeys. Sanctuaries such as Rushton are integral to the survival of migratory birds as they journey hundreds of miles from breeding to overwintering grounds. Learn ways you can help make your yard more hospitable to owls and other birds.

This is an ACCESS-friendly event. If you are a current ACCESS card holder, please use the ACCESS option at checkout when registering.

ECOcentric Experience is our new environmental education series for adults seeking a deeper understanding of and closer relationship to nature. Through seasonal lectures as well as immersive field experiences, participants study birds and wildlife, regenerative farming, watershed protection, and habitat stewardship.

This is an ACCESS-friendly event. If you are a current ACCESS card holder, please use the ACCESS option at checkout when registering.


Parking will be located at Rushton Farm (911 Delchester Road, Newtown Square)

ACCESSIBILITY | This program is entirely in the field. Hiking will be light and easy, with the possibility of uneven ground.


CANCELLATION POLICY | WCT may cancel events due to inclement weather or low registration. If an event is canceled, we will notify you of the r
escheduled event date, and you will receive a full refund. If you can no longer attend | If your cancellation is at least 72 hours in advance of the event date, you will receive a full refund. Please email or call 610-353-2562 to cancel. If your cancellation is less than 72 hours' notice and you DO NOT attend a event, your event registration fee will support the Trust's mission to save open space and connect people to nature. Thank you for understanding. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. 

PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY | Attendance throughout the programs and events with Willistown Conservation Trust gives consent to be photographed for use in print and electronic media. Please notify Willistown Conservation Trust staff if you would prefer that your photo not be used for various multimedia or publications. Contact

Program Style:

Lecture plus in-field experience. Please dress accordingly

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