Celebrate 40 Years of Mentorship with Us!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a special campaign and a party to raise $40,000 in 40 days.

We invite you to participate in both our fundraising campaign and our birthday bash. See the event details below.

Your support will help us continue to create and nurture life-changing mentoring relationships for youth facing adversity.

Come join in the fun! Together, we can ensure that every child has the support they need to thrive.

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Big & Little of The Year 2024

You're Invited to Our 40th Birthday Bash!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington is excited to celebrate our 40th anniversary, and we want you to join us for a special birthday bash!

Event Details:

  • Date: Sunday, September 15th
  • Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Location: 23 Kitchens in Lacey
  • Tickets: $40 (includes food, drink, pickleball, and more)

Special Invitation to Alumni: We extend a warm invitation to all alumni of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington (and beyond!) – Bigs, Littles, Staff, Board Members, Donors, and Sponsors. Your involvement has been instrumental in our success, and we would be honored to celebrate this milestone with you.

Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and festivities as we commemorate 40 years of making a difference in the lives of local youth. We’re excited to announce a pickleball tournament as part of the festivities! Sign up now to participate and add some friendly competition to this joyful occasion.

Your presence will make this celebration truly special.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

Click on "Register for Birthday Bash" below.

A Harmonious Bond: Lukas and Logan's Journey

Lukas, a spirited 6th grader with a knack for music, found solace in the guidance of his Big Brother, Logan. Lukas's journey began with challenges. Raised in a loving yet tumultuous environment, Lukas faced housing insecurities and familial complexities. With his grades faltering and lacking a positive male role model, his mother sought refuge in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, hoping to illuminate a brighter path for her son.

Enter Logan, a senior in High School with a passion for music and a desire to make a difference. Drawn to mentoring as a means to explore his future career in teaching music, Logan's heart resonated with Lukas's story from their first encounter. United by their shared love for music and similar familial experiences, Logan saw a reflection of his younger self in Lukas, and Lukas found in Logan a steadfast friend and mentor.

As the months passed, Logan became a fixture in Lukas's life, attending band concerts and even joining him in class, trumpet in hand. With Logan's unwavering support, Lukas found the courage to strive for academic excellence, his grades steadily improving as he blossomed under Logan's mentorship. Together, they proved that with the right support and encouragement, every child can reach their fullest potential.

A Year of Adventure and Growth: Amanda and Reese

Big Sister Amanda and Little Brother Reese were matched for just over a year, yet their bond was both strong and transformative. Amanda, an Army Officer stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, sought a meaningful volunteer opportunity to contribute to her local community, while Reese’s parents hoped he would connect with another adult to broaden his horizons.

Initially shy, Amanda and Reese quickly developed a close bond through activities that interested them both, such as touring the Washington State Capitol, exploring the science center, and visiting the Puget Sound Estuarium. Amanda was captivated by Reese’s inquisitive nature and emotional intelligence. She also introduced Reese to her passion for reading, leading them to enjoy books together at the local library.

Their match faced a significant challenge when Amanda received an assignment to work in Singapore for three months. Despite the distance, they stayed connected through emails and phone calls facilitated by Reese’s mom. Amanda shared her experiences abroad, while Reese updated her on his summer activities with his family.

Their time together has been filled with mutual growth and discovery, and they look forward to staying in touch as they continue their individual paths.

Save the Date for our Next Event!

You're invited to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington 40th Anniversary Auction Gala! Join us on October 19th at Great Wolf Lodge from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM for a night of celebration, fun, and fundraising.

Dress in your favorite decade from the past 40 years and help us honor the impact of mentorship. More information coming soon—stay tuned, and we look forward to seeing you there!