



of your goal reached

6/29/2022 is the date I will never forget.  In an instant, my life was changed forever, and I had no idea what the future would hold.  One thing that did not change was my ability to choose.  I made the decision that I will repurpose the day that changed my life and use it as a means of bringing good to the world.  

Your contribution supports our mission to Illuminate the Path to Wholeness and allows us to uplift those impacted by life altering injuries or accidents.  I am thrilled that the Patric Young Foundation has made a huge step this year in providing our FIRST substantial grant to fund an adaptive vehicle for a driver rehabilitation program in Jacksonville.  Next up - the Patric Young Foundation SCI Financial Aid Fund will officially launch in August 2024 in both Jacksonville and Gainesville!  Your support makes this possible and will allow us to continue this financial aid program year after year.  Your support means the world to me and to those in our community living with a Spinal Cord Injury.

Below you can choose to make a tax-deductible monthly or one-time contribution to the Patric Young Foundation. You may select a 6-29 amount or click other to customize your contribution.

Thank you and God bless!

Choose Joy, 
