The Blue Mouse has been part of the cultural history and fabric of Proctor District in Tacoma since it opened on November 13, 1923.
Maintaining and upgrading a 100-year-old Blue Mouse Theatre is a costly endeavor. Our theatre's seats have weathered from the wear and tear of countless movies audiences over the years. Now, we face the need for a crucial upgrade: new seating.
We have the opportunity to participate in a matching grant from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation to upgrade our seating and accessibility which means that every dollar you donate will be doubled, making your contribution go even further!
With your support, we can replace our old seats with new, ergonomic, and comfortable seating that serves the historic integrity of our theatre and ensures that patrons experience cinematic delight and special occasions in a relaxing and inviting environment.
Thank you so much for your support!

All funds raised during the Old Theatre, New Seats campaign will be used to enchance patron seating experience, accessability and signage.