Welcome to the Inner Circle!

Together, we are Breakthrough!

We are thrilled to share an exciting update on the Breakthrough Equipping Center!

Over the past few months, we have made incredible progress. Our team has been hard at work with dedicated volunteers, gutting the building to create a space that truly reflects the beauty and purpose God has for this ministry. We’ve cleared out the old flooring, torn down walls that no longer serve a purpose, and chipped away at the outdated tile to reveal the stunning brickwork that was hidden underneath. Every step of this process has brought us closer to creating a place where lives will be transformed, and God’s people will be equipped to do His work.

As we stand on the brink of the next phase—installing the essential systems like HVAC, plumbing, and electrical—we are filled with anticipation. This is where the vision of the Equipping Center begins to take shape in a tangible way, transforming from a mere structure into a dynamic hub of ministry, outreach, and empowerment.

However, we cannot move forward without your support. To bring in the professionals and start this critical phase, we need the backing of committed donors. This is where the Breakthrough Inner Circle comes in. By joining this community of monthly supporters, you’re not just giving to a project; you’re investing in a place where the saints will be equipped, and the body of Christ will be built up.

We invite you to be part of this exciting journey. Whether at the Hope Giver, Faith Builder, Kingdom Investor, or Kingdom Business Partner level, your partnership is crucial to moving this project forward. Together, we can make the Breakthrough Equipping Center a reality, a place where God’s power and presence will bring lasting change.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Let’s build this together, for His glory.

Giving Levels

Hope Giver Level
Monthly Contribution: $10 - $99
Join our community of Hope Givers and receive exclusive access to our private Facebook group, where you can connect with like-minded believers. Stay inspired and informed with our monthly email newsletter, filled with updates, testimonies, and encouragement.

Faith Builder Level
Monthly Contribution: $100 - $199
As a Faith Builder, you not only gain access to our Facebook group and monthly newsletter, but you'll also receive a special coupon code for free access to all printables in our upcoming printable shop! Enhance your spiritual journey with these valuable resources designed to strengthen your faith.

Kingdom Investor Level
Monthly Contribution: $200 and up
Step into the Kingdom Investor level, where your impact is magnified. Enjoy all the benefits of the Faith Builder level, plus an invitation to our monthly stakeholders' Zoom call. Here, you'll get an inside look at how your generosity is driving change. If you own a business that aligns with Breakthrough’s values, it can be featured in our exclusive Kingdom Business Directory. Plus, you'll be recognized as a Kingdom Investor Supporter in our publications, receiving a special mention in our "Special Thanks" section.

Kingdom Business Partner Level
Annual Contribution: $12,000
As a Kingdom Business Partner, your business takes a front seat in our ministry. Your partnership will be prominently displayed at both our Corporate Office and The Breakthrough Equipping Center, complete with a personalized QR code that links directly to your business website and social profiles. You’ll also receive prominent recognition in our publications, with the option to sponsor a page. Additionally, your business will be featured on our website and listed in our Kingdom Business Directory as a Kingdom Business Investor. You’ll be invited to our monthly Kingdom Business prayer call, where we’ll pray and intercede for you and your business, even if you can’t attend.