Presented by Center for Family Life and Recovery

Annual Awareness Breakfast

About This Event

We invite you to attend this year’s Annual April Awareness Breakfast. For over twenty years, CFLR, Inc. has hosted the Annual Awareness Breakfast, which coincides with Alcohol Awareness Month. This signature event recognizes the contributions of the community in helping support our agency’s vision to be a leader in creating a world where people have the power to achieve and celebrate recovery.

The Annual Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, from 8:15am – 10:00am at Hart’s Hill Inn, Whitesboro. Tickets are $40 each. Registration begins at 8:15am, breakfast is served at 8:30am, and the program begins at 9am.

This year’s theme, "Breaking the Silence: Stories that Defy Stigma," will be powerfully illustrated through images of children, highlighting the stark contrast between their innocent beginnings and the challenges they have faced or overcome. These images will serve as a poignant reminder that mental health and substance use disorders can affect anyone, breaking the silence to end stigma.

Every year, an Amethyst Award and the Paul Dunn Advocacy Award are presented to members of our community who have helped others by inspiring them with the message of hope and recovery. By joining us at this community event, you will be inspired by these wonderful stories of recovery that will be shared and the hope that every person will be able to achieve and celebrate recovery.

About This Event

We invite you to attend this year’s Annual April Awareness Breakfast. For over twenty years, CFLR, Inc. has hosted the Annual Awareness Breakfast, which coincides with Alcohol Awareness Month. This signature event recognizes the contributions of the community in helping support our agency’s vision to be a leader in creating a world where people have the power to achieve and celebrate recovery.

The Annual Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, from 8:15am – 10:00am at Hart’s Hill Inn, Whitesboro. Tickets are $40 each. Registration begins at 8:15am, breakfast is served at 8:30am, and the program begins at 9am.

This year’s theme, "Breaking the Silence: Stories that Defy Stigma," will be powerfully illustrated through images of children, highlighting the stark contrast between their innocent beginnings and the challenges they have faced or overcome. These images will serve as a poignant reminder that mental health and substance use disorders can affect anyone, breaking the silence to end stigma.

Every year, an Amethyst Award and the Paul Dunn Advocacy Award are presented to members of our community who have helped others by inspiring them with the message of hope and recovery. By joining us at this community event, you will be inspired by these wonderful stories of recovery that will be shared and the hope that every person will be able to achieve and celebrate recovery.

Getting There

Hart's Hill Inn
135 Clinton St.
Whitesboro, 13492
United States