Chef EricK Walter Stecher Memorial Scholarship Fund
On behalf of the family and the Schoolcraft College Foundation, thank you for your thoughtful donation in memory of EricK Walter Stecher.
Chef Stecher was a noted Executive Chef in Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona. Highlights of his 30-year career included cooking for Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton as well as notable celebrities like Ice-T and Coco, Muhammed Ali, and Nicholas Cage.
From his first job at Maria’s in Detroit to the fabulous Vic & Anthony’s Steakhouse in Las Vegas, EricK brought a dynamic mix of creativity, high-energy, and storytelling to the table, along with a passion for great food experiences. He was bold, adventurous, and generous and always had time for one more story or one more meal.
His love of cooking brought him to the Culinary Arts Program at Schoolcraft College where he graduated in 1991. This scholarship fund serves as an inspiration to future generations of the profession.
Checks should be made out to the Schoolcraft College Foundation and mailed to 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia, MI 48152. Please write "EricK Stecher Memorial" on the memo line.
Questions? Please reach out to the Schoolcraft College foundation at or 734-462-4455.