Presented by Community Partners in Caring

Santa Maria Valley Senior Expo 2025

Registration has ended

About This Event

This event will connect the Santa Maria Valley residents to resources, products and services that will benefit those who are aging, are living with a disability or families caring for a loved one is in need of assistance. This is an opportunity to introduce the community to a variety of services all in one location, which may otherwise take them days to find.

Both for profit and non profit businesses are able to register as exhibitors and will be from a variety of industries including:  health, legal, insurance, caregiving, medical devices, health checks, prosthetics, therapy, pet care, assisted and independent living facilities and so much more.

What:  Santa Maria Valley Senior Expo

When: Friday,  March 14, 2025

Event Hours:  9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Exhibitor Set Up Time: Begin 8:00 am to be completed by 8:45 am

Where:  Allan Hancock College - Inside the Joe White Memorial Gymnasium

Address:  800 S. College Drive, Santa Maria California 93454

Parking: Enter from College Drive at entrance #4, (south of the soccer fields) turn left in front of building F if you will be unloading in front of the Gymnasium entrance. Turn right into parking Lot 10 (changed from lot 9) to park your vehicle if you do not need to unload at the entrance.

Exhibitors may pull up to curb only momentarily to unload their supplies at the entrance to the Gymnasium and must then park their vehicles in Parking Lot 10 (Changed) to leave parking lot 8 and 9 open for attendee parking.

Exhibitors are required to park their vehicles in parking lot 10 (changed from 9) unless they have special permission.

Insurance Requirements:

Exhibitors must provide a certificate of insurance for 1,000,000 General Liability coverage per occurance, naming Community Partners in Caring as the additional insured for this event. By completing this registration you agree to hold harmless Community Partners in Caring, Allan Hancock College, the sponsors of Santa Maria Valley Senior Expo and individuals or businesses associated with this event from loss, damages or injuries which may occur to your person or property in relation to this event.

You are also authorizing Community Partners in Caring to use photos or audio visual recordings of participants during the Santa Maria Valley Expo event held on March 14, 2025 at Allan Hancock College for promotional video or print marketing in the future.

Please email the certificate of insurance to  Midge Nicosia


As an exhibitor you are giving permission for your business name to be listed in the Santa Maria Times special event insert with a map of your booth location.  This will also be included in the goodie bags provided to attendees.  Please Note: The Santa Maria Times will offer exhibitors a separate discounted rate if they would like to advertise in the insert as well. Sponsors will already have their logos included as part of their sponsorship.



For Info Please Contact:  Community Partners in Caring

(805) 925-8000 Midge Nicosia xt. 1012 or email

About This Event

This event will connect the Santa Maria Valley residents to resources, products and services that will benefit those who are aging, are living with a disability or families caring for a loved one is in need of assistance. This is an opportunity to introduce the community to a variety of services all in one location, which may otherwise take them days to find.

Both for profit and non profit businesses are able to register as exhibitors and will be from a variety of industries including:  health, legal, insurance, caregiving, medical devices, health checks, prosthetics, therapy, pet care, assisted and independent living facilities and so much more.

What:  Santa Maria Valley Senior Expo

When: Friday,  March 14, 2025

Event Hours:  9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Exhibitor Set Up Time: Begin 8:00 am to be completed by 8:45 am

Where:  Allan Hancock College - Inside the Joe White Memorial Gymnasium

Address:  800 S. College Drive, Santa Maria California 93454

Parking: Enter from College Drive at entrance #4, (south of the soccer fields) turn left in front of building F if you will be unloading in front of the Gymnasium entrance. Turn right into parking Lot 10 (changed from lot 9) to park your vehicle if you do not need to unload at the entrance.

Exhibitors may pull up to curb only momentarily to unload their supplies at the entrance to the Gymnasium and must then park their vehicles in Parking Lot 10 (Changed) to leave parking lot 8 and 9 open for attendee parking.

Exhibitors are required to park their vehicles in parking lot 10 (changed from 9) unless they have special permission.

Insurance Requirements:

Exhibitors must provide a certificate of insurance for 1,000,000 General Liability coverage per occurance, naming Community Partners in Caring as the additional insured for this event. By completing this registration you agree to hold harmless Community Partners in Caring, Allan Hancock College, the sponsors of Santa Maria Valley Senior Expo and individuals or businesses associated with this event from loss, damages or injuries which may occur to your person or property in relation to this event.

You are also authorizing Community Partners in Caring to use photos or audio visual recordings of participants during the Santa Maria Valley Expo event held on March 14, 2025 at Allan Hancock College for promotional video or print marketing in the future.

Please email the certificate of insurance to  Midge Nicosia


As an exhibitor you are giving permission for your business name to be listed in the Santa Maria Times special event insert with a map of your booth location.  This will also be included in the goodie bags provided to attendees.  Please Note: The Santa Maria Times will offer exhibitors a separate discounted rate if they would like to advertise in the insert as well. Sponsors will already have their logos included as part of their sponsorship.



For Info Please Contact:  Community Partners in Caring

(805) 925-8000 Midge Nicosia xt. 1012 or email

Getting There

Allan Hancock College Joe White Memorial Gymnasium
800 S College Drive
Santa Maria, California 93454
United States