We partner with hospitals where abandoned and orphaned children are sent. Hospitals are not only for children who are sick, but also serve as a place where young children (ages 1-3) rejected by their parents, found abandoned, or taken from home are sent. The children spend anywhere from 1-3 months in the hospital, before being placed in an institution or sent back home.


Reach Initiative is committed to providing these children with the love and care they need. RII supports 2 full-time staff that visit with them in the hospital daily, serving approximately 20 abandoned children each week. During these visits, much-needed attention and interactions are provided such as reading, drawing, playing games, teaching them to walk, and praying with them. RII also provides them with clothing, bedding, diapers, juice, toys, and other necessities. Every child receives prayer. The love and hugs these children receive are making a huge difference in their lives!


Our team is also serving in a number of orphanages, including an orphanage for children with Down’s syndrome as well as another orphanage serving children with disabilities like cerebral palsy.

Please Pray

Pray for these little ones who are starving for love and hurting. Orphans go through so much suffering and once they become teens, they will soon leave the orphanage and enter a hostile world. Please pray that they would know the love of their Abba (father) in heaven. Pray also that those who are of age to be adopted will be adopted into loving homes.