Donations will provide the following help to individuals and families in need:

  • Food vouchers for local grocery stores
  • At-home, contactless HIV testing
  • Urgent housing assistance (mortgages, rents, or utility payments)
  • Medical and behavioral health telehealth services
  • COVID-19 testing for uninsured and/or unemployed patients

Consider the tremendous impact you can make today and give as generously as you can.


Double Your Donation with the Power of Gift Matching

Enter your company's information below. If your company does participate, you will be presented information including gift match program details, eligibility requirements, contact information and online gift matching forms. The second is to check if the person who is pledging you is employed by a participating company.

If your company is not listed here, you might wish to check with your Human Resource department as you might not have the proper company or parent name.If your company does not offer a matching gift program, you might wish to suggest they start one or watch for matching opportunities through community or Internet fundraising efforts.

If you require any assistance with this program, please contact Jonathan Welsh at 305-576-1234 Ext 249, or by email at