This year are very fortunate to host a special weekend featuring three JTS cantorial students (Gedaliah Penner
- Robinson, Rachel Black, and Kelsey Bailey) and the
director of the program Cantor Nancy Abramson, March
17 - 19. Nancy and the students will lead us in prayer, chant Torah, lead Sunday morning minyan and brunch, and perform in a concert on Sunday afternoon featuring
the Adath choir, local Cantors and musicians
Delheim Concert
This year are very fortunate to host a special weekend featuring three JTS cantorial students (Gedaliah Penner
- Robinson, Rachel Black, and Kelsey Bailey) and the
director of the program Cantor Nancy Abramson, March
17 - 19. Nancy and the students will lead us in prayer, chant Torah, lead Sunday morning minyan and brunch, and perform in a concert on Sunday afternoon featuring
the Adath choir, local Cantors and musicians